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Jjs868's picture

Yall I'm tired of having to deal with bm and my sd10. I honestly feel if this continues imma leave. I can't be fake what you see is what u get. But sd10 is fake when dh is around and rude when he isnt. So when I'm just ignoring her dh thinks I'm being evil. Sd10 is a liar, and the attitude she has is just like her momma and her momma ain shit. I really don't want sd10 around me. 


StepperLife's picture

Sometimes I am envy of other happily Brady hunch blended families, but my reality is I too have an almost unbearable to deal with SD. If you think now is bad, just wait for the good old “I have my head so far up my self entitled rear” teenage days. 

I was able to give words of encouragement but reality is if this is how it is now it’s only bound to get worse. 

Siemprematahari's picture

This will continue and you will just depends on your threshold and how high your tolerance level for BS is....

CLove's picture

Young enough to start over. It wont get much better than now, because this is their "cute age". The teen years I hear are the worst - all their bad qualities just get worse. Get out now before an "ours baby", while you can still have a "yours baby".

Jjs868's picture

When I use to teach her school work she wouldnt take it seriously and when I told dh he didn't believe me until I taped her and put it on for him to see. But I feel even if I tape her attitude problem he may be angry with her in the moment just to appease me. She's 10 and acts like an adult but wants to be treated like a baby. Her maternal gm said that she is still a baby and we must not blame her for her behaviour.  I'm at the point in my life where I really don't want dh, mil the aunties etc to tell me anything about sd10 because I'm done. I don't want to speak to her, I don't want her around me, she causes alot of arguements between dh and I to the point where I feel like I'm an outsider. So I gotta be nice and love her because she is a child but she could be anyhow towards me with no consequences.  Hell no. I would lose my mind if I didn't have this group as an outlet. Because it's been alot, alot that I haven't said but last night really was the last. I am officially emotionally unattached from sd10. Bm want to call me wicked witch and that I would burn in hell, sd want to lie on me and be fake. 


If I'm so wicked then keep sd away from me, but she uses her as her eyes and ears in our household so she would know exactly what to tell dh to upset him

Harry's picture

Who care what DH thinks,  SD is there to see DH not you.  If DH wanted a  happy family he should of stayed with BM. When he divorced her, his Happy Family was gone. That was his choice. 

Do not be alone with SD, DH is home with her or he arranges for child care for her, or she at BM,  do not cook for her, clean for her, spend your money on her. Do not go anywhere with her, take her anyplace, no vacations ect. 

Untill your DH who is really at fault for not parenting his DD does something to put her in her place 

Jjs868's picture

Yesterday I carried her to get her school sneakers and she asked me (in her baby voice) to buy her a snack I asked her if she brought any money she said no. Then while driving home she said "hey auntie I now find money in my pocket" 

So she brought money but I guess wanted to see what she could get from me smh. I don't buy anything with my money for her. DH and I argued again last night and i told him keep her away from me, unless he is in the room I don't want her around me. He says when I tell him how she behaves and brings her to his face to see if she would lie he says by me doing that it's like I'm picking a fight with a child. I was flabbergasted,  how is that picking a fight? That is me showing you that she lies and bringing her behaviour to your attention so you as the parent would deal with it. But her mom has also put her against dh, she has lied on him several times in order to get her way. I tried with her I tried to tolerate her mom as well but I honestly don't care for them at all. So I will keep my distance from sd10 it won't be hard she's mostly by my mil and she avoids coming by me because she thinks I'll give her school work but I could care less if she passes or fails at this point.