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UPDATE: Warning - all hell is about to break loose!

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DH just left for the infamous birthday party and no more got pulled out of the driveway til my cell rings. My phone displays the town the number is from and in a few seconds the caller i.d. I answered because I thought it was my MIL; it wasn't. It was SD23 -

Me: Hello
SD23: It's right behind the Dollar Store
Me: You dialed my number, I think you meant to dial your father's. He just left a few minutes ago. I'm not with him.
SD3: Why?
Me: Well, SD23, under the circumstances I didn't feel like I should attend.

Condoning or not?

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I’m sure you’re all about sick of this subject as I am, but a good friend/co-worker brought up an interesting opinion re my DH attending the grandkid’s birthday party. Obviously, I’m not going to attend due to the recent developments (i.e., SD23’s nasty gram to me) so DH is going by himself although he keeps asking if I will change my mind. At this point, hell would have to freeze over before that happens. Anyway, my friend said if DH does go without me under the circumstances it would be very disrespectful to me.

Will I regret this?

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If you read one of my recent posts, you'll know I was struggling with the problem of attending my stepgranddaughter's first birthday. Also, in my last post I was lamenting about how people are so rude about sending an RSVP; well this post is a result of my SD23 (grandchild's mother) who treats me (and DH) like crap. I thought everything was going too smoothly with us, and she does not yet know I was considering not attending the party.

O/T – Rude People…or just ignorant?

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We have been trying to schedule a fish fry for friends and family and finally settled on a date that would work for most of the people we have invited. I sent email invitations to several, texts to some and called or spoke to others. I was very clear about the time, date, etc. and asked for a RSVP so we would have an idea of how much fish to thaw, side items to make and/or purchase. Do people not have a clue what RSVP means?? Even after I explain we need a head count?? It’s like, ‘yeah we’ll probably be there’ (unless something better comes up is the impression I get) OMG!!

Dreading the Battle

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SD23 is planning a big blowout birthday party for her soon to be 1 yr old daughter with all the bells & whistles, renting a hall, etc., etc. She’s already informed DH of the date (not on the child’s actual birthday) and expects us to be there. To be totally blunt & honest, I don’t want to go for several reasons. The number one reason being is (surprise!) BM will probably be there along with all of her side of the family.

Anyone read John Rosemond's weekly column?

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John Rosemond is a family psychologist who has a nationally syndicated newspaper colunm. For the most part, he is straight on with his answers to parents regarding their children, bio or step. I have often dropped the paper in my DH's lap whenever there's anything related to our situation. Whether you agree with John or not, his column is usually pretty interesting. The following is a question from his 10/24/10 column, thought it might hit home with a few of us.
