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KatsMom37's Blog

Dec 13th - I love my daughter <3

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Kat is such a funny girl sometimes but so dead on. We were coming home from the movies last night and she was moving my cell phone from her seat and noticed a text from her father. She asks right away “why is he still messaging you? What about the restraining order?” I sighed and thought to myself,'God I hate that man for telling her about it', and then quickly said to her, “I just don’t bother running to the police every time your father does something, it's so embarrassing.” Kat “Yeah but you can’t keep living like this.

Dec 12, 2013 -- The Next Chapter

KatsMom37's picture


Today I have made the decision to leave for good. I just don't know where I'll go or how I'll start but I know I'll make it.

My friend L has offered to let me stay at his house with my daughter until I get my own place. I'm scared right now of the unknown but I've done it before and I know I can do it again. I just thank god for having such a great friend in my life to help with the bad times.