OT - 38 weeks pregnant, I want this baby OUT...like YESTERDAY
Just a vent, I'm huge and uncomfortable and sick of everyone asking me when I'm due, or acting surprised I'm still at work.
I haven't had a decent nights sleep in weeks, either getting up to pee constantly, being in pain, or having contractions.
DH keeps wanting to encourage the baby out with doing the deed and I want this baby out, but have NO INTEREST in that and I'm ready to castrate him lol.
Ughhh I hope she comes soon, I can't wait to have my body back!
- ksmom14's blog
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My daughter is going to be 10
My daughter is going to be 10 in less than 2 weeks and I swear I still have PTSD from being pregnant! She was 5 days late and had to be surgically evicted. I never had a single contraction. She would still be in there if she could be.
I feel your pain! I hope your baby comes soon!
My 1st was 2 weeks early, and
My 1st was 2 weeks early, and I've been so much bigger with this baby that I've convinced myself that this baby is going to be early too.
If I go to a full 40 weeks, let alone OVER I think I will die! Especially with all these contractions
I was not a happy pregnant
I was not a happy pregnant lady, I felt like a pod person being invaded for nine months. I have two beautiful kids whom I love very much, but nope I hated pregnancy I was not a glowing earth mother. I was a fat plodding sweaty beast who just wanted a long nap and a glass of wine.
I've been in the middle, not
I've been in the middle, not glowing or loving being pregnant, but until recently with all the uncomfortable pains and contractions it hasn't been miserable either.
I want wine...and sushi...and a smoked salmon bagel sandwich (which I will be making DH get me while I'm in the hospital after having the baby
I was not a pleasant pregnant
I was not a pleasant pregnant person. I also felt like my body was being invaded. But I was willing to do whatever to give birth so I probably had sex every day the last week with DD, they still had to induce me. Don't get me wrong, I love sex, but not when I'm 50 lbs. heavier and feel like I'm going to topple over.
Right?! I'm up like 35 pounds
Right?! I'm up like 35 pounds right now and can basically just lay on my back which just isn't very mood setting lol.
With my last I was totally into trying everything to get baby out, with this one, I just don't have it in me.
I would only do it on my
I would only do it on my hands and knees. Lol.
DD was "sunny side up" so I had to do these yoga exercises to flip her anyway.
Yea, I wish...that position
Yea, I wish...that position has never really worked out for us...
My sister is pregnant and you
My sister is pregnant and you sound just like her. It is very uncomfortable towards the end of a pregnancy. It won't be long. I so understand about getting your body back. It took me almost a year to lose my baby weight.
Oh I don't even care about
Oh I don't even care about the baby weight at this point lol, I just want to be able to sleep on my stomach, to pick something up off the floor, to breath normally, to not have heartburn after EVERYTHING I eat, to be able to eat whatever I want...you know just normal stuff you can do when you don't have a parasite you're lovingly growing
OH you are so ready to get
OH you are so ready to get this pregnancy over. LOL Heartburn is awful.
I remember 38 weeks from last
I remember 38 weeks from last year.... my god it was awful. I was crying from all the joint pain and I was just DONE. I got off 2.5 months of bedrest at 37 weeks and I was just weak from it. 38 +4 and we had DD.
My crazy butt wants another after that rough ride too, crazy hormones!
I hope you have a safe and healthy birth!!
Because babies are just so
Because babies are just so dang cute! That's why!
So DH and I work together, so
So DH and I work together, so we get to eat lunch together every day.
I decided I wanted to go get hot wings for lunch, you know what they say about spicy food helping to get labor going! Old wives tale, I know I know...I'm grabbing at straws here!
Anyways, I COMPLETELY forgot (don't know how!) that I puked a ton when I was in labor with DD2, like I was only 3cm dilated and was puking until I got an epidural hours later. Now I'm hoping I don't go into labor until I can digest these wings...got hot wings coming back up sounds more miserable than I fell right now lol
I had a well over 48 hour
I had a well over 48 hour labor AKA natural childbirth with my first (daughter). I too remember the heartburn the sleepless nights, The feeling of having a boat anchor strapped to you. All things considered menopause is much worse