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Laney's Blog

We fought all weekend

Laney's picture

Dh accused me of being immature and trying to ruin his kids trip. I am pissed that he was taking pictures with bm. By Saturday morning she had posted over 200 of their little family trip together. I told dh to tell her to take them down or report them to Facebook and he told me to grow up. He isn't going to do anything to hurt his relationship with his kid. His son now has his now has the 3 of them as a profile picture. Bm posted all the pics on her kids Instagram. From the looks of the pictures they had a ball and I am really jealous. They looked so happy.

I mesed up

Laney's picture

dh called about 9:45 last night to talk. UGH! I was so frustrated and mad that I was shaking. I really laid into him. We had a gigantic fight because he said his son asked him to do the pictures and he sees nothing wrong with it. I asked about lunch and he said that is where there table was and bm sat down. He said he refuses to play childish games and ignore step sons mom. I told him I saw the pics of them talking at Dave and Busters and he said he talked to many people and she was one of them.

The happy family is taking picures

Laney's picture

Bm is loving this and posting pictures all over her facebook page. She changed her profile picture to one of him and ss. She took pictures of dh sleeping on the bus and one of ss sleeping on the bus and is comparing how much they look alike. They sat at the same table for lunch and she took pictures. They even took a family picture with ss in the middle. I texted dh and told him that I do not appreciate him taking pictures with his ex and I am waiting for him to respond. I am seething right now!

Bm and Dh going on the 8th grade trip with ss

Laney's picture

They are both going on the 8th grade trip with ss. Dh was chosen to be the chaperon and bm decided she was going to tag along. So tomorrow dh, bm and ss will be off playing happy family while I sit at home and fume. DH knows I am pissed but he decided to go anyway. No amount of explaining my view has worked, dh is insisting he doesn't want to miss going to Disney with ss. He said he will ignore bm but I don't believe him. Bm will be with him for 3 days, talking and eating meals together, standing in line and shopping next to each other. Staying on the same hotel room floor.
