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Lillian23's Blog

"I don't need a lecture"

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BM currently pays child support and is required to get it to SO by the first of every month via check. It can't be taken directly from her wages because she's "self employed" (no one really knows what she does...but I have my suspicions) and her wages don't come in the form of a check from her employer. She owes about $15,000 in back support. Both SO and BM had significant financial troubles after the divorce and even though SO had SS7 80% of the time, BM decided she didn't have to pay the court ordered monthly support payment.

Summer Camp

Lillian23's picture

Last year we sent SS7 to day camp during the summer. It is not cheap, $235/week, but any childcare where we live is expensive and he LOVES going, so we're fine with the cost. Plus, it gets him out of the house, away from electronics, and keeps him social. Last year we stupidly asked BM to pay part of the cost. Big mistake. HUGE. It really set her off and created more drama than I care to get into.