lmcguire's Blog
Christmas Eve
So my 21 year old and 23 year old SDs got a bit bent out of shape that I asked they not open anopther bottle of my wine...they already had beer and wine both and we were settling down to watch a movie they would be into...chosen more for them than the 3 younger boys to "please them". We always watch a family movie on New Year's Eve, and frankly the oldest usually gets in a pout. Well, now she was because no more wine and I said no to car keys.
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Really getting to me
I just struggle so much with letting all the bad talk take over my life. It effect me all the time. I let it go for a few years,but then a recent incident when my oldest SD and my husband(her dad) had an email chat where he threw me under the bus, and it all came back. Now, I find myself talking to myself all the time with all kinds of negative speak like how I am going to get out of this when I am 50(6 more years,a ll kids will bhe launched with youngest a sophemore in HS),etc.I am quick to tears... and anger.
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Really struggling to not have buttons pushed with husband and 23 year old step-daughter
I have three boys,10,12 and 14 and 2 step-daughters, 21 and 23. I was the custodial step parent for years and have been basically unhappliy married for 18 years. I stay for my boys because I know what divorce does. My oldest stppie is going through a resntful period with me,blmaing me for the fact that she di not go to private school and that my folks have given the boys some money for camps,etc (my parents are kind and generous, but the girls had lots of grandparents and so my folks are more like loving older firends to the girls and do nto give them $).