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An answered prayer, follow up to treading on water

Love51's picture

So my FDH just texted me after meeting with the school district psychologist. I prayed so hard on this, the district recommends SS14 go to a school for students with special needs- learning disabilities with emotional problems.
All along I have been saying he needed to be tested for Aspergers but no one wanted to believe me. The school recommended specialised in children with Asbergers! Oh really now!!!
The good news is they have a 6:1 teacher/student ratio, behavioral therapists, individualised social skills and psychotherapists. They even have performing arts to round out the expereince. The school district is willing to pay the tuition of $27,950 a year plus the cost of transportation. Now, there is no way the school district would offer to pay for this if there wasnt a need. I feel so validated, I am controlling the urge to scream at the top of my lungs: "I TOLD YOU SO!"
Finally, this kid might actually have a change in life, and in turn I might even have a change in this relationship. I know it's just the first step but at least I won't be alone, there will be professionals around to hopefully make a difference. I'm happy for SS too, it can't feel good to have so many problems. It's not just about me.


ownpersonalopinion1's picture

They can teach him so much. He can learn skills to hopefully be self reliant in adult life and this will make your life easier.
Is he extremely intelligent?

Love51's picture

Yes! You know what I am talking about. He is extremely intelligent, too smart really for his own good. But yet totally clueless when it comes to socializing, social cues, and other people's feelings. I hope they will help him with some of that and yes, skills to become an self reliant adult.