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Seriously grossed out!!!

Luna HG's picture

:sick: Ok so I am freaking out. So i have a huge phobia with cockroaches. Even saying the full name makes me cringe (so I will shorten the name to roaches). So this has happened before. When my step son comes over to my house or when we take him to my mother-in-laws house we have had roaches come out of his diaper bag and into the home. It happened once when he was very young less then a year old and at least three times at my mother-in-laws house. My sister-in-laws have taken everything out of the bag to make sure nothing else is in there. A few times they have been in his carseat and it has been more then one. So on Saturday one came out of his diaper bag again at mother-in-laws house. They cleaned out the bag. They didn't have to take that much stuff out because every time he comes with us we do not have enough clothes for him. He only has the pair of socks he had on, one extra pants and two extra shirts rolled up into a ball so there all wrinkly (pants and shirts are too small for him). So we always have issues with that especially now that he's spending every other weekend with us. So yesterday when we were heading back to my mother-in-laws house to get ready to go to the zoo my sister-in-law that is sitting next to stepson in the car says a big roach came out of his carseat. I start freaking out because I am in a small enclosed space with that thing, its in my car, who knows how many more of them there are, and it in MY car!!! Im freaking out trying to keep my composure so I 'm sitting in my car tears coming out. My boyfriend does nothing to try to comfort me he just keeps driving. When we get to the house I tell them I am going to go clean out my car and vacuum everything. I clean out my car and suck up two more bugs out of the carseat (I am still panicking and now I am crying uncontrollably and shaking). I go back to the house and ask my boyfriend to give the carseat a quick check to make sure there are no more because those little basters hide everywhere. He ignores me. I as him a total of about seven time and he ignores me every time. This makes me mad. So stepson goes back home and I leave boyfriend at out house so I can go grocery shopping. I get in the car and look back there are two bugs. I kill one and the other got away. I get food and double tie the bags closed to try to avoid the bugs getting transferred to the house. I can boyfriend down to help me carry the bags up. He notices I am mad and I told him I am buying you a new carseat and diaper bag so you stop sharing them (which we have had previous arguments about because I didn't want him sharing them in the first place) and you are taking my car tomorrow and you are cleaning it. He got annoyed with me. I don't know what his damn problem is. I am trying to keep out things infest-free and he gets annoyed with me. I put no blame on the child for this I actually feel extremely bad for the little dude having to live in those conditions. I don't know why he is mad but I need to get rid of those things!!!!!! :sick:


kathc's picture

Good idea to get your own carseat and diaper bag so you're not taking anything but the child from BMs for visitation.

And, yeah, it's a bug. You're overreacting. That doesn't mean your BF isn't a douchnozzle but you are overreacting.

Luna HG's picture

I have never lived with then myself but every time I visit my family in Mexico and El Salvador they have gigantic ones and I believe that is where I got my phobia from. But yea that is why its such a problem. I am terrified of them aside from I want my home and car to be clean.

PeanutandSons's picture

Diaper bag..... Why kn earth are you exchanging a diaper bag? ESP an empty one? The day your so split witb the mom he should have gone to Walmart and bought a ten dollar bab to carry diapers and wipes and clothds for his son.

Cat seat.... I get this kind of....kind of. Yes they are expensive so I can see him hesitant to run out and buy one right away. But co.e on..... Those things are a bitch to move and reinstall, is he seriously THAT cheap?

Add the bug issue (nasty as fuck, btw) to this and its even more ludicrous.

PeanutandSons's picture

Also wanted to add...... Is daddy not at all concerned over the conditions,that his young son is living in?

An occasional bug is one thing.....but it is clear that bm's house has an infestation problem. Personally, id call dcf on bm amd let them do a welfare check on the conditions in the home. No way id allow my child to visit a home infested with roaches, let alone live that way.

zerostepdrama's picture

That is exactly what I am thinking. I'd be really concerned that there are that many bugs around this baby.

Also I wouldnt exchange anything with BM. get your own clothes, diapers, wipes, etc.

Elizabeth's picture

Frankly, I would probably be a total b*&ch about this. Here's what I would do:

Arrange to meet BM in a neutral location, such as a fast food restaurant. I would flat turn down the car seat and say, "No, multiple cockroaches keep crawling out of it, I don't want your bug-infested car seat." And I would have one of my own. Ditto the diaper bag. I would buy my own and fill it full of plastic bags. If BM offered me clothes out of the diaper bag, I would hold out the plastic bag and have her put it in there, then I would double bag it and throw it in my trunk. I would take the child straight into the restaurant change him in the bathroom, right down to the diaper (strip him naked). Then I would either give everything he was wearing back to BM or double bag it and put it in my trunk as well.

I am not bug phobic, but no sense in taking things on knowing they are infested. And baby needs to be safe. I'd probably take the child home and pop him straight in a bath.

Starla's picture

Agree with the others and even check the inside and bottoms of his shoes, them little buggers can get into places you would least expect.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

OMG. I can't even imagine the kind of infestation it would take to have roaches crawling out of diaper bags and car seats. I wouldn't touch anything that came from that house, much less put it in my car or bein it in my house. I would strip the kid before he got in my house an immediately bathe him, every single time. And probably take him to the pediatrician to get checked out ... That kid is living in deplorable conditions.

BettyWinchester's picture

I would seriously think of a new boyfriend. I am terrified of them from growing up with them in my house. My husband knows when I do a certain scream what I am screaming about and he immediately comes to my rescue. Every other critter that gets in the house I take care of (frogs, lizards, spiders) because I put them outside instead of killing them. Whoever said you were overreacting has never had one fly at you and land on you or woke you up in the middle of the night crawling on you. I would bomb the car and make the boyfriend use his.

notasm3's picture

No you are NOT overreacting. Roaches are disgusting. And it does not take much to have a hideous infestation in your home that is almost impossible to get rid of. Way worse than lice.

I had to stay at a temporary apartment once when I was being transferred - the roaches were awful. I put my belongings in the middle of the floor (would not use any closet or drawers) and sprayed roach killer around the stuff every day. It was a nightmare.