maggie925's Blog
SD has to be "The Grownup" when dealing with BM
There has to be a law out there somewhere that says it's a crime to mess around with kids minds. Recently, SD wanted BM to come see her since it's been nearly 2 years since thier last visit. BM said she'd come Dec.21-24 and stay at a motel only if SD would be able to spend the night with her. As hard as it was to agree to this, we decided that it would be okay since SD is 14 now. A few days later, BM calls and says she can't afford to come for 4 days and it would ruin Christmas for her other 2 children if she had to spend all of her money on a motel.
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BM said SD is of age and can come and go as she pleases. . .
Is this really true, legally? She is 14 and we have sole custody with no unsupervised visitation by BM.
I just realized I'm not really the "mom" to my SD and I'm devastated.
I can hardly write this because I'm completely heartbroken by my 14 year old SD. Her BM left when she was 18 months old. I have raised her as my own daughter for nearly 9 years. She has had minimal contact with her BM over the years and when she does talk to her or see her our relationship gets really strained. Her BM has been in and out of jail for everything from Prostitution to DUI. She dopped out of highschool in the 10th grade and has been a stripper ever since.She got re-married 6 years ago, had another baby, then left that child when he was 15 months old.