Marbear's Blog
The Blame Game - blaming sm's for their own ineptness
I wrote this poem about all those BM's and SKIDS who won't take responsibility for their actions and are so quick to blame the sm for all their woes.
The Blame Game
You cannot grow if you don’t try
Or change all that which you deny
Nor place blame for all your woes
On all the wrongs that you oppose
In feeling righteous without fault
Ensures the barricade of the vault
That holds the martyr forever bound
Desired freedom is never found
Adult stepdaughters
While I am not new to being a stepmother to both young and adult children I am experiencing a whole different set of circumstances from my previous marriage with stepchildren. In my marriage to my late husband, I had no problems with my two stepdaughters and was close to both of them, as well as their biological mother.
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