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Mary's Blog

Not happy with the Xmas gifts??? What do we do?

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Well, here I am again. My H ex-SD (ages 27-29-these are his Ex-wife's children, not his blood children. He was married to her for 15 yrs) were unhappy that I had a picture of my family and mailed out as xmas cards. My H told me to send the 2 ex-SD a picture/card. In the picture were my kids, grandchildren and my husband and me. They thought they should be in it. Mind you that it is very hard to get everyone together. So, at Thanksgiving my children were invited to my oldest child's home for dinner. Perfect time to snap a picture!

Dont leave us!!!

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To all of you who are tired of the fighting between 2 people, I say, let them be. Don't post to their blogs. Don't give them the time of day. There are soooooooooo many others out here that really need a support group. Anytime you put more than 2 people in a group there will be fighting. Let's let them be and let's just keep helping each other out. I have been a member for a very short time and I can't tell you (yes, YOU!) how much YOU have helped me out! I pray that I can do the same for you! Let's stay together and welcome new members!!!

Professional Help Advise!!!!

Mary's picture

We saw professional help today in regards to, how to step parent adults Ex step children and the holidays! The counselor reminded us that there is "pressure" from the BM. Even if the SD does not even realize it. The BM in threaten by "us". She does not understand why her BD would want to have anything to do with us (or maybe just me). So I need to remember that SD feels torn! You know how BC are committed to BP. My H is not a BF to her. He is now an Ex SF.

We are seeking professional help!!!

Mary's picture

My DH and I are going to a wonderful counselor Monday to talk about how to deal with his Ex Adult SD! Remember? Should he stand up to her about me or should I stand up to her! She uses us and what should we do about it! I can't wait to hear what she has to advise!! I hope I am happy with the results! I may be swallowing my pride! I ll let y'all know who it goes! I will say I plan on taking her advise if I like it or not! (i hope...LOL)

Who should speak up? Need Advice!!!!

Mary's picture

OK, My DH has a SD who is 29 from his last marriage. Two weeks ago she acussed "me" or us of not treating her equal. TRUST ME when I say we do. She said many other hurtful things that got me "worked up". My DH thinks I should stand up to her and speak my mind (passing the buck) and I think he should stand up for me and tell her what WE think of the situation. I think he is just afraid of hurting her feeling. Regardless that my feelings have been hurt. What do YOU think?

"ex" stepchildren

Mary's picture

Does anyone have a spouse that was married before and had SC with their Ex? What kind of relationship do they continue to have? My husband has 2 SD from his last marriage. They are not blood related but has an emotional relationship. One of them (the 29 yr old) seem very jealous of my children and my grandchildren, and that it's not now "all about her"? Everything should be fair, and her children should be treated equal. My DH and I are keeping it all fair! What do I do?

"ex"-stepchildren? What do I do?

Mary's picture

My husband and I have 7 children between us. I have 4 (ages 23-16; 2 boys and 2 girls) I have 2 grandchildren. He has 1 daughter (22) from his first marriage. He also has 2 stepdaughters (27-29) from his 2nd marriage which lasted 15 years. He has 3 grandchildren by them. My problem is one of the "ex"stepdaughters (the oldest one) seems to be jealous of our new family. She (has 2 children and is 29 yrs old) lives 45 mins away while my children live 1 mile away. She does not like the fact that I am close to my grandchildren and not as close to hers.