mermaid33's Blog
life or something like it
I have been a step parent for the last 3 years. I know that this is not as long as a lot of you on here. I know that we have all had different struggles that have brought us to where we are now. I know that a lot of you wonderful step parents have been through a lot and that at some point it all became a little too much to deal with. Everyday brings new struggles and problems to deal with. We all know that our husbands/wifes had a life before us, it makes it harder when we have to see a constant reminder of that everyday…the child(ren).
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Big week this week...
SD12 is graduating 6th grade on Thursday. BM promised SD12 that she will be there. She better not call and ask me to come pick her up. She is out of her mind. She is the parent it is her responsibility to get there. A little tiny part of me hopes that she does not come. I feel like if she is there I am going to feel out of place. She is just so loud and obnoxious and will make it a point to make sure that everyone knows that she is the real mother. GAAA But I know that what is best for SD is that her mother is there. I am excited about the day though.
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Question for all the SM W/O Bio kids....
Do you love/take care of your stepkids as you would your own child? And what do you do when they say and do things that hurt you and make you wonder if it is all worth it all?
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BM and an Ex wife...
Hey there everyone,
So BM is not a threat to me. She is just a plain loser that my husband was never interested in. We dont talk to her or anything. I dont spend much time worring about her either. I spend a lot I mean why to much time thinking about his ex wife.
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I needed to write this
I have a good life. My parents have been together my whole life and always will be. I was loved growing up and have always had a good family unit. I was raised to like people and be a compassionate person. I was defiantly not raised to hate anyone…anyone.
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Such a loser
So SD turned 12 in April. Those of you who dont know DH and I have full custody of SD. Her mom is a druggie dating a convicted child molester. SD only sees her mom like once a month supervised. BM has no car, job, money...nothing. The only time SD sees mom is when I drive her 45 minutes and pick her mom up. It's really annoying but I do it because I love SD and I know she knows that.
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I just crossed a line
SD12 has been the biggest brat in the whole world lately. I know it's only going to get wrose seeing as 7th grade is in the fall. Her grades have been slipping and she has a I dont give a shit attitude about everything. Today we had a furneral to go to so we went to her school this morning to get her homework. The only bit of homework she had was to write a 4 paragraph perssaive anyways we get home and she does her chorse and her homework. She hands me an essay that a 3rd grader could have done better. I tell her that it is no acceptable and that she needs to redo it.
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So right now....
I am the wicked stepmother. What the F ever!!!!! Apparently it's my fault that she did bad on her progress report. Its my fault that she forgot that today is Wednesday so she did Tuesday’s chores. Seriously kid!!! Your 12 you know what day of the week it is. She has been of the hook lately with her bad attitude and DH has been working long days so I'm the only one who deals with the discipline and I am tired of always being the bad guy!!! She is driving me nuts!!!! Is it 5pm yet????
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Hey everyone!!!
I am so glad that the site is up and running now! So mother's day.... Well it was lovely. SD12 woke me up at 7:30am because she was so excited to give me my presnts. She wrote me a poem and titled it "10 Things I love about you MOM." It made me cry. LOL. Then she gave me a card as well and a beautiful necklace. I even got a card from my dog lol. So any who, I had agreed to take SD clear across town to see her mother. then I picked her up later and went to my fams house. So when I pick SD up BM tells me "Happy moms day...I guess even though you dont have any babies of your own.
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My question is...
First I want to apologize for my last blog. I was in the wrong and I am very sorry. Next, if you are still upset and want to argue please don’t comment on my blog. I understand that I was the person who was in the wrong and offended a lot of my fellow bloggers, but I have seen a lot of people on here do that. I am just hoping for a little forgiving and forgetting. Thank you.
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