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mlmt1128's Blog

I beleive it is time for me to take over with ss

mlmt1128's picture

I want to start by saying I don't hat ss. I really don't. I understand his issues are all based on the fact that no one ever made hime do anything, and he is definitely his mothers child. I do however hate that he is quite possibly the lazy fucking person I have ever comeinto contact with and he is absolutely incapable of fitting into society.

Need some input if anyone has had this situation...

mlmt1128's picture

So, ss lives with us. His mother sucks. Pays no child support, but constantly bitches to anyone that will listen via facebook that the father of her other child is a deadbeat for doing the exact same thing to her. Rarely bothers to see ss. A good example would be last week. We were out of power for 7 days because of this freak storm. SS tried to call her every day, because she did have power. Thought he could go there. She called back 6 days later. Whatever. He does not care that much about seeing her, but misses his little brother. That is the only thing he complains about.

I don't know how some of you handle visitation

mlmt1128's picture

My ss lives with us full time, and rarely sees his bm. Maybe 2 times in 2 years he has actually spent the night at her home. When he came to live with us I knew that would be the case. He was 13, no longer a child that would adore her, and so she was just done with him. I assume her other son has about 2 years before she's finished with him as well.

Today is the day I will lose my sh*t completely

mlmt1128's picture

I KNOW ss has issues. I realize he was bounced around from bf to bf and school to school with bm. But he has been here for almost 2 years in a stable, normal environment and it is about gd time that he starts to DO something. I do love the kid, and feel bad for him, but the flip side of that is he is the laziest most gluttonous person (adult ofr child) that I have ever come across in my life and I am not going to put up with it any longer.

I am sick of getting calls from ss's school

mlmt1128's picture

DH and I are just lost here. SS came to live with us just over a year ago. Prior to that, he was bounced around from school to school by his bm, as well as home to home. Obviously he was never taught that school mattered and that as a 14 year old school is his fricking JOB. He does NOTHING. He is failing 3 classes. We have been to the school so many times I can not even count to work out these issues. Every plan that gets put in place so that we KNOW what his assignments are, the kid figures out how to work around.

Serenity now...I need to breath

mlmt1128's picture

Hi - I have been a member for a while but never posted. Today however, I have been pushed over the edge.

My 14 yo stepson has been living with us for the last 14 months. He has some issues stemming from his oh so wonderful mother. He is in therapy every other week, and we are at his school to talk to the counselors at minimum once a month. I will clarify, I love the kid and will do what ever I need to do to help him. I also have a bd who is 5 with dh.