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Moon Child Step Mom's Blog

How do you view them..? There IS no right answer!

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Hey there everybody…

Well, once again my DH’s “policy of truth” has landed me in a pickle. Since day one of our relationship, he has insisted (trained me!) that we be bluntly honest about all things concerning our relationship, he sees little half truths or skirting uncomfortable issues as relationship killers. So if he has something on his mind, damn it he’s gonna say it. And he watches me closely for every reply… it’s gotten so that I don’t even try to “just say the polite thing” any more, it just makes him more upset.

Mother Russia coming to grips with “de’childrens”

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So the kids have been at their moms house since Christmas Day… the LONGEST stretch that she’s had them since DH and I were married. (Usually she only sees them every other Saturday to Sunday… two flippin days and one night total, not a “true” measure of their behavior by any stretch of the imagination) And they’ve finally gotten comfortable enough at her house to let their natural little personalities fly!

She calls up last night borderline hysterical…
Mother Russia: “Oh…*SS3* is horrible little monster!!!”

My Stepdad... my friend.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Hey there S-talkers… long time no post! I’ve been popping in checking on everyone when I can but I’ve really not had a chance to write. Things have been chugging along as per usual… DH is still struggling to find work, Mother Russia is still drifting at sea trying to “find herself” while putting forth a half-assed attempt at motherhood, the boys are normal, healthy boys… and I’m still “faking it till I make it” in regards to living in a new city that I hate.

The usual.

Hey Dawn and Admin…

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Good morning ladies!!!
Once again, thank you SO much for this place and all of the good that it brings to so many struggling peoples lives! Have you guys noticed a spam attack on here lately..? Some weird posts about financial advice and odd news items… just making sure the site isn’t being “hacked” by jerks. I don’t know one thing about websites, but just wanted to send a heads up…

Mornin' Mornin' Mornin' all!!!

Step Son Funny!

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

So SS6 had to write a song for music class last night… he’s only in first grade so I’m sure they aren’t expecting an original score… but what he wrote definitely made me giggle!

*sing words to the tune of “Found a Peanut”

I want hot dogs…
I want hotdogs…
I want hooooooot dogs for dinner!

I want hotdogs
I want hotdogs
But my daaaaaad… said no!

*next verse*

I want pizza…
I want pizza…

*you get the idea*

I get it… but I don’t. (sorry, long!)

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Having grown up a child from divorce with two households of moms and dads and step dads and step mums and all of the family and chaos in between, I have a really unique view on raising children in the “step” situation… and I tend to step back and try to see things from everybody’s perspective, not saying that my own selfish personal emotions don’t cloud the water, but at least I try.

Praying for BM

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I know I’ve been a little silly about poking fun at Mother Russia (BM) over the last few months on this site… I’ve made fun of her goofy tattoo… her tummy tucks… her love of awful techno music… but truth be told, she’s not a bad person. She’s actually a very lonely and scared person. And not that I’d necessarily be “friends” with her if we weren’t locked in this co-parenting relationship but we are “friendly”… and I know from daily reading here that it could be a whole lot worse.
