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This infuriates me

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When you have a crazy BM who has poured her poisonous crazy goo all over her kids, can you ever 100% free yourself of the toxic fumes? 

SD has apparently been whining to DH about driving 8-9 hours to watch 4 yo OGS play baseball next month. I normally don't give a crap about DH visiting; he doesn't go that often. But SD has 4 kids in her house, three under the age of 5, and she is anti-vax. And there's the measles outbreak in TX (apparently has spread to NM now). (SD is not in either state.) 

From Astronomer's post: Sister Wives

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Rumplestiltskin called it what it is: Sister Wives.  

Unfortunately, I know this well, because that is the situation the BM here wanted, all under the pretense of "what's best for the kids." When we put a stop to the nonsense, I was the one to be forever blamed for destroying "what's best for the kids." <EYEROLL>

The wanna-be sister wife warnings (feel free to add your own; it might save someone): 

BM's and SO's post-divorce enmeshment

O/T: ADD and/or Dementia--and overwhelmed

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The one (big) reason this might actually be "on" topic is that I have always wondered if DH's untreated ADD/ADHD has been a major reason for so many issues with his former family NOT being handled back in the day. We have been in a place for a while now where he has compartmentalized, and that has seemed to work. As you all know, he sees his kids offsite. I am fully disengaged. But I can't help wondering if he would have been thinking more clearly back in the day, some of the turmoil and suffering would have been alleviated.  


Skids as BM’s soldiers—Cutting off the head of the snake and finding peace

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Initially, BM came on way too strong with me, acting like we’d be sister wives or something. It was creepy—she had no boundaries. She tried to rope me into keeping secrets from DH, as if my loyalty would be to her, not him. I had recognized for some time that she was about control and manipulation, but had no idea what was coming once we married. 

When PAS'ing backfires in the long run

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BM started with parental alienation syndrome within 6 months of our marriage (several years ago). She initially hoped that her punishment would get us "in line" with how she wanted things to be (apparently, she would be Wife #1 and I would take the backseat, while DH would cater to "the family"), but the opposite occurred: we set boundaries and were determined to have a decent life together without toxic interference. It was not easy.

My holidays in verse a la Almost Gone & Elea

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Silent Night
Happy Night
All was calm
All was bright  

Skids were with cult-mommy
bundled up warm
DH and I were here
Free from their storm

We slept in heavenly peace
Oh, we slept in heavenly peace

Silent Night
Wonderful Night
All was quiet
All was nice

No glazed-over looks
when I tried talking
No rude behavior
or video (for BM stalking)

We slept in non-toxic peace
Oh, yea, we slept in non-toxic peace

Silent Night
Happy Night
All was calm
All was right

Free from the burden of social media

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I bring this up because SS recently asked DH why I wasn't on Facebook anymore.

I mentioned here before that I connected with the skids via social media a very long time ago initially out of expectation that we would all get along just fine. When problems (quickly) arose, I stayed connected because we knew we were being lied to (a real dilemma...that wasn't my job, yet the intel was useful although frustrating/maddening).

I need strength

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On Thanksgiving morning, of course (following the ancient BM family pattern of "Look at me" on holidays), SD called DH and told him that her adopted adolescent daughter (who is the sister of step-son-in-law) is in the hospital because she tried to commit suicide. 

A big blow up had occurred the weekend before and that is when it happened (so why didn't SD tell him on another day?) 

DH's phone call from Skidhell

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He drove several hours and rented an Airbnb to see the skids. He said this was his last visit. These visits, ranging from 2 - 4 times a year, cost him over $1000 a pop, even more when he flies. 

He called me last night with the usual skid-visit distraught-sounding voice, maybe a little worse this time. He really enjoyed seeing the grands and getting to know them better (he had never met the youngest). SD invited him back to her house Saturday afternoon to hang out for several hours and have dinner, and he had been looking forward to that. SS was going to be there, too. 

