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Serious Sleep Issues with SS5- Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?

mrsparks's picture

We get SS5 every weekend.

Normally get him home around 7:30-8:00 on Fridays

DH Normally lets DH stay up until an ungodly hour normally 11:00-11:30 on Friday- Mostly because no matter what time he
goes to bed he will get up once during the night and at 6:30 a.m. for the day

This is how the schedule goes:
10:30-ish SS5 is dressed for bed and puts on pull up
10-:30-11/11:30- DH and SS5 sit on the couch watching tv
until they both fall alseep
DH will [when he wakes up] take SS up to his bed then
gets in our bed.

230-3:30> SS5 gets up like clockwork and either repeatedly calls
"daddy" "daddy" "daddy" until DH gets up and goes in and lays with him and gets SS back to sleep then

4:30-5:00 DH Comes back to bed

6:30 a.m. like clockwork again SS is up FOR THE DAY!

DH takes him downstairs so that he will not wake everyone else
DH is exhausted.. Occasionally I will go down and relieve him.

I know that this is not ideal and I am not saying it's good in any way.

I argue with DH about this constantly


BMJen's picture

Option 1. Tell him the next time SS gets him out of your bed, he can consider himself in the dog house.....if ya know what I mean.

Option 2. Keep repeating option 1 until he caves from lack of sex.


mrsparks's picture

I LOVE that one..

Here's the thing though.. It's either that.. or
listen to this child wail until daddy answers or comes in to his room.

I wish that would work!

BMJen's picture

He's a boy.

He's 5.

The only way you can stop this is put your foot down. Put it down hard and loud so everyone can hear and knows this kind of shit won't be tolerated. If he wants to lay in bed and scream like a two year old I would invest in some ear plugs and let him have at it.

mrsparks's picture

Thank you for your advice
He will be 6 in 4 months and is very behind in every way.
I just think if we do get custody of him which it is likely

He will have to have a regular bedtime routine.

myna's picture

10.30? My ss is 4 and sd 8 but they both go to bed 8.00-8.30. And they used to wake up in the evening but we just let them then sleep in our room. And when they get up 6-6.30 i put on the tv and they are watching it till we get up

mrsparks's picture

I did not say I agree with the bedtime
I think because DH does not see him during the week
that he feels guilty immediately putting him to bed
We don't get home until about 8 from a 1.5 hr drive to get him

No matter what time he goes to bed.. he gets up during the night
and at 6:30 every morning

myna's picture

I agree that it can be very annoying, but it really helped that when they get up in the night we just let them sleep with us. I feel it made them feel safe, then it stopped with time. But they do get up around 6 and then I just go out and put on the tv, it works

DoingItAgain's picture

First, I think bringing the child home at 7:30-8 is tough... he needs a couple hours of transition time. I would see if he can come over by 6 pm (after dinner!). Then, putting him to bed at a reasonable time (between 8-9 pm) would be more do-able.

I don't have any good advice for the middle of the night issue...other than trying to ignore him and hopefully he falls back asleep on his own.

In the morning, the child should be old enough to be told either, he's not allowed to get out of bed until say, 7 am (put a clock in his room) or if he gets out of bed before X time, he must go into the living room and can watch X channel until X time and can't wake you up (and needs to stay out of kitchen!) until then.