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After custody change of SS and him moving in this month BM has made a b.s. police report and called Child Protective Services!!

mrsparks's picture

A cop rolled up to the house on Friday asking to see SS and to make sure he was clean/fed/looked ok and if there was food in our fridge!
WHAT?! He said he was called by CPS to come and check on the child.
We know it was BM because we have had welfare checks done on her in the past, but only after her keeping SS from DH for weeks and one time, months at a time.

How can we stop this insanity!

The cop knew what kind of situation it was once we showed him the court order/guardian report, but just told us to "be careful" and that the truth will always prevail.

I was HEATED, but held my composure..

ANY ADVICE on this lunatic who is obviously going to keep calling with bogus b.s. on us every change she gets?


frustratedinMA's picture

I would have asked the police officer, at what point do you make an arrest for filling out false reports repeatedly?

mrsparks's picture

Oh yes.. She is a very spiteful angry jealous person.
I don't put anythng past her.
My eyes are WIDE OPEN..

purpledaisies's picture

It depends on where you are I guess but I know that my bm did a well check about 3 times. At that point she was told that if she did it again she would be arrested for a false report. The police do get tired of it. Same thing happened when she called dhs too many times. good luck.