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mrsparks's Blog

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I feel like the devil incarnate is lurking all over my house with the picture!

mrsparks's picture

SS6 Who we were granted custody of if June found a picture of himself, hubby, BM, his brother from when he was a baby. When he found the picture he brought it down and proceeded to tell me with grandiose hand gestures and fingers waving.. NO NO NO! YOU DO NOT COME TO MOMMY'S HOUSE, DADDY..YES.. ME..YESS.. YOU.. NO..NO..NO..! MOMMY SAYS NO!!.. Ok.. he's 6 and I know BM poisons his little mind with several toxic things, but I was PO'D at the fact that I'm doing BM's job..quite well I might add, and now every time I turn around that picture is being waved in my face with comments included..

WOW! Long Time, Same Drama! BM appears to have forged some documents informing Social Services that she regained custody of SS!

mrsparks's picture

We wondered if mom actually had a job, like the child support agency said she happens to have now, why hubby wasn't getting any of the payments, we were informed at the end of last week that BM apparently has informed child support and social services that she regained custody of SS6 and that is why there was a block on hubby's child support! They couldn't tell us exactly what the document was that was rec'd, it may have been a forged/changed copy of our court order which is one of the only documents that these departments will accept.

Getting ready for my first CPS visit. It also appears that our police visit and CPS calling were two unrelated incidents.

mrsparks's picture

An "anonymous" caller informed CPS that SS5 had "fresh whip marks" on his arms/legs/back that were noticed."WHIP MARKS" apparently by a belt- WOW! Amazing.. because he's either with us, @ camp [where he swims everyday] with his shirt off mind you, or on his EOE weekend with BM.. Hmmm.. anoymous huh?

The police were called as a seperate dispatched call to make a welfare check.. Hmmm.. very interesting..

I have never had so many police rolling up in my driveway, or calls from child services in my life.. and all after getting custody of SS5..

After custody change of SS and him moving in this month BM has made a b.s. police report and called Child Protective Services!!

mrsparks's picture

A cop rolled up to the house on Friday asking to see SS and to make sure he was clean/fed/looked ok and if there was food in our fridge!
WHAT?! He said he was called by CPS to come and check on the child.
We know it was BM because we have had welfare checks done on her in the past, but only after her keeping SS from DH for weeks and one time, months at a time.

How can we stop this insanity!

The cop knew what kind of situation it was once we showed him the court order/guardian report, but just told us to "be careful" and that the truth will always prevail.

What kind of personality is this? BM only has the capability to do one thing at a time for example

mrsparks's picture

If she's going to school, she will get good grades etc and just focus on that but... everything else falls by the wayside, kids included.

If she happens to have a job, she doesn't do anything else, misses appointments,everything falls by the wayside.

It's like she has a one track mind, DH said, she had a very difficult time multitasking, she just can't do it.

It's "one" thing at a time and nothing will matter to her but that one thing she's doing for the moment.

BM is getting desperate, telling her legal aid attorney that DH sent her a text saying she would never see SS again..

mrsparks's picture

Not only did he never say that, she is making up all kinds of things, I guess out of desperation and the fact that she lost custody of SS. Her attorney sent a letter to ours and our attorney sent us a copy, and it was a bunch of accusations and out and out lies.

What can be done about the lying. There is no way she can pull up the text saying what she says DH said. I read the text,there's nothing in there that can even be misconstrued as "you will never see SS again" and he knows better.

HELP! We take SS to his pre-k graduation tomorrow, and the school just let me know that

mrsparks's picture

BM has 4 people listed as attending. BM has never come to any event of SS's all year and she lives right around the corner.
We kept SS for memorial day and DH couldn't get a hold of BM as she was not responding to texts or phonecalls [he hates calling her]
So DH told BM that we would keep him if he doesn't hear from her.
She FINALLY sends back a scathing text saying that he better meet her to drop SS in an hour of else, and that she wants names and dates of the schools he's going to etc and that she expects a phone call from him immediately-
