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WOW! Long Time, Same Drama! BM appears to have forged some documents informing Social Services that she regained custody of SS!

mrsparks's picture

We wondered if mom actually had a job, like the child support agency said she happens to have now, why hubby wasn't getting any of the payments, we were informed at the end of last week that BM apparently has informed child support and social services that she regained custody of SS6 and that is why there was a block on hubby's child support! They couldn't tell us exactly what the document was that was rec'd, it may have been a forged/changed copy of our court order which is one of the only documents that these departments will accept. Our attorney had a friend over in the legal department at child support and was able to get the block removed immediately. Now they are going to supposedly investigate the bogus document. It appears that BM was trying to get a welfare check for SS,and the only way to do that, was to say that she regained custody of him. Well social services isn't going to make a mother "pay" child support if "according to her" she's supposed to be receiving it. I really hope they prosecute her, and this may be all we need to get her visits supervised..


mrsparks's picture

I just can't believe she gets away with all this crap, DH says she won't but she hasn't stopped yet! I mean if it was you or I that sent in forged documents of any kind to any agency, we would be the ones with our ass thrown in the can for it.. She is constantly pulling this garbage and it seems like little or nothing is ever done!

they8ntmine's picture

WOW she has some big cahonas.... I hope she gets in trouble this time!!!

mrsparks's picture

I know.. why exactly is that? Justice isn't often served, she does one thing after another and I believe it's because, there are no real consequences for all of her indiscretions..if she gets away with it, she thinks, why not do whatever I want!

Gracefulsilver's picture

Maybe the authorities fail to do something about her due to the fact they run rather thaan have contact with her.  Right now we are going through a similar thing with SO' BM.  She wants the welfare check and can't figure out how to get it so BM is running around town telling everyone how my SO stole her money and she needs help filing to get it back.  Huge laugh, my SO only went to the social security office and changed the information requested due to SD's change of residence.  I can say the only reason BM has not tried to forge documents is most likely because she doesn't know how.