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So.. I found out why other than being a lunatic, Just why BM was such a B*tch about

mrsparks's picture

meeting us a little closer than our 1.5 [both ways] hour drive to transport SS.
She told DH "YOU WILL BRING HIM TO ME, I RUN THIS!" *seriously?* Blum 3
Her license was suspended as of today for not paying a $250 fine! To get it reinstated and not be blocked from getting registration tags the fine must be paid, and I'm sure there's re-instatement fees on top of that.. "sigh" Looks like we will once again
be making the 3 hr roundtrip every week until we get to court..


onehappygirl's picture

that it's not your problem. LOL!! Make her meet you half way no matter how she has to get there. "She runs this"?? What does that mean?

mrsparks's picture

She thinks because there is not court order in place yet as her and DH were never married, that he has no rights, which she is actually correct, he has the right to pay child support and that's about it..

She wants to control everything , her children and how and when they're picked up is the only thing she can control at this point

Once we go to court, I'm going to hold her to everything in the court order.. She is ALWAYS saying that to DH- "I RUN THIS, NOT YOU"

She is NUTS!

BMJen's picture

anyways they said "duh bitch, I run this show".

LOL! Some people think they run everything, when really, they run nothing.

~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

Rags's picture

If she is not a competent enough parent to safely transport the kid to her location she has no business with the kid. IMHO.

Your DH is responsible to xsport the kid to him, BM is responsible to xsport the kid to her. If she lost her license that is her problem. She can send her parents, buy a round trip bus ticket for herself and a one way for the kid, etc........

I would be very surprised even without a formal visitation Court Order if a Judge or anyone else would do anything but tell her that she is responsible for xsporting the kid to her location.

Our Judgement is very clear.

3. The cost of transportation for all visitations shall be handled by the parties as follows: Each party will be responsible to provide transportation to bring the minor child from the child's location to the party's location. For example, Mr. (BioDad) shall arrange and be responsible for the child's transportation to Mr. (BioDad's) residence for visitation. Petitioner shall arrange and be responsible to provide transportation back to her residence. This may include any acceptable transportation including transportation by the the grandparents. each party shall cooperate in making travel arrangement for the child's return, including driving the child to the airport, if necessary.

All things considered I think the Judge did a fair job with my SS's Custody/Visitation/CS CO.

Try this. "We did not deny visitation or refuse to return the kid after visitation, she chose not to pick the kid up."

Good luck and best regards,

Anon2009's picture

My DH used to have to transport the skids to and from BMs when we had EOW. It was sad, because even though we lived in the same area, it would have been nice to not have to do all of the transportation. We wish we had gone back to change that. Make it clear to BM that you don't care how your skid gets there, you just expect him there on time.

BMJen's picture

Sorry she lost her license, not your prob though. Show up or don't get the kid IMO.

~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

libby's picture

Since there is no court order in place. You have to play her game, The last thing you wanna do is go into court and state he agreed to drop him off and he never did. Once you get the court order, then you can stick it to her.

Trust me I know it sucks - but just think of the satisfaction you will get next time she reaches out for help you guys can say no cause we run this Smile