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Christmas Gifts..?

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As I've mentioned before, BM and I co-parent well together. My DH owns his own business and works 80+ hours a week, and with split custody it is just easier that BM and I have contact to discuss everything about SD5.

My question is.. what do we get BM from SD5 for Christmas? and do I get her something? She gets me something little every year.. and The past few Christmas's we have just been giving small things or a hand written card from SD but its been 3 years now and I feel like a bitch when she shows up with a gift for ME, and we only have a gift from SD.


not the mamma's picture

I've been with my fiancé for over 3 years now, and every year BM comes Trick or Treating with us and SD5 (let it be known that BM and I actually co-parent very well together with no MAJOR issues) but still, don't I deserve some of MY family time too? Also, our agreement on Christmas is that one of us gets her Christmas Eve, and the other Christmas Day, it alternates every year and every time she has to stay and watch SD open her gifts at our house.. which the first two years I understood.

I might regret asking this

not the mamma's picture

But I'm going to anyway.

My fiancé and I were considering TTC for OUR first. He has a 5yr old daughter from a previous relationship that I get along amazing with. HOWEVER, I am really nervous that he will be comparing my pregnancy to his ex the whole time, and for some reason just thinking about that really upsets me. I get it, he's been through it before, but I haven't.. and I know this is what you get dating a man with a pre-started family. I just really hope that he's there for me and see's it as a new adventure, not "I've done this before".

BM thinks she can just change custody agreement? New member..

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I wish I found this site earlier. This is my first entry, and I apologize if this is going to end up a long post. I am just happy that I found an outlet, because for the past 4 years I have been keeping so much inside unable to find others in a similar situation! Im a SM26 (not officially, yet) BF and I have been together almost 4 years, living together 3 1/2. His daughter just turned 5, so I've been around basically her whole life. I am fortunate that BM and I have a good relationship..