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Worried and Excited. Mostly Worried...

not your momma's picture

After yesterday's shitshow (see previous blog), today I was offered a 4-month contract job that will take me away for 4 months. After some serious contemplation, I accepted the position and will be leaving next week. I'm not sure if this is a blessing or will be my ultimate downfall. I'm worried that my absence will give the oldest boys ample time to prove to their dad how great it is without me. But, if that happens and I return to find my boyfriend no longer wants to be with me, then who am I to fight for it?

I got into this relationship knowing it would be an adjustment. And I swore to my boyfriend that I would never put him in a position where he feels he has to choose - me or them. He swears that won't happen and that he's as sick of their shit as I am. I guess time will tell. But it was encouraging to hear him vent about being able to be happy and that they could make their own decision about their life, and that I'm here to stay.

I guess just another vent.


not your momma's picture

Thanks! I plan to enjoy myself! And lord, I hope he's not that dumb, but it wouldn't be the first time...