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Bio Mother #2 and 2 youngest SKids

OhGolly's picture

Let me begin by saying that if this bitch was on fire and I had a glass of water, I'd drink it.

But seriously, I dislike her very much. She thinks we're best buds though so whatever. It's better that way for the kids anyhow.

Let me introduce her:
This woman has 5 children by 4 different men. My DH met her when she was 7 months pregnant with her first. That guy wasn't around so DH adopted her baby and they had another one together. SS11 and SD10. They split when she had another baby...with someone else. She then preceded to have two more with yet another man who is still her on again off again boyfriend. Great example for the kiddies right? As if this doesn't make her awesome enough, she's been living off the system the majority of her adult life. True definition of a welfare whore ladies and gentlemen.

You all know the type. She's the classic "baby mama". He didn't send enough money. If he doesn't do this then he'll never see his kids again. When SD10 lived with us due to problems in school, she refused to change the child support so he still payed her. Mom also still claimed her on welfare and food stamps. When I told her it was ridiculous that we were paying for a child that lived with us and we were going to file to have child support modified she took her back. Took her out of school with 3 weeks left. What a winner.

I have to say though, she's still higher on the food chain than the first BM. At least she cares about the kids in her own special way even if I don't agree with it.
