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Cheese and Rice!

OhGolly's picture

I haven't been on here in a few weeks...things were actually going decent (or so I thought).

So to update everyone, SD10 just moved back in. Yep, hubs goes to pick her up for a usually weekend visit and she comes with 3 garbage backs of belongings. I ask "mom" what the deal is and she says "She said she wanted to live with you guys". I tell her it has to be permanent this time because the poor child needs stability. She agrees.

Fast forward a week and BM has yet to file to have child support modified, so DH asks whats up. She says she's going to wait and see how the school year goes before she changes child support. Due to her taking her back the last time we were in the dilemma he's gonna pay this bitch while the kid lives with us AGAIN!!!!!!!! Not so permanent after all, eh? Oh but she'll sign over custody if the school year goes well...I'll believe that when I see it.

She says she'll "make it up" in FOOD STAMPS. I tell her I'm not comfortable with that because it's illegal (for the record I really don't give a shit). So she gets SD for the weekend a few weeks later and when DH brings her home she has food that her mom sent for her. She told him it was to "make up" for the child support she's getting. I could hardly contain my laughter. She sent chips, little debbie cakes, pudding, and chocolate milk. Oh, and lets not forget the $3 she gave her so dad could stop and get some Twinkies on the way home (which he didn't, btw). Mind you, this was all supposed to be for her snack at school. I'm no health nut, but HELL no.

To add icing to the cake, SDs new school is preparing for a field trip at the end of the month. The class held a fundraiser previously but SD didn't attend the school at that time, so we have to pay or she can't go. Money is pretty tight right now so DH asked BM if she could give any money. She said she was broke and that SD would have to miss out...even though she was just posting on Facebook about how she was cashing her check tomorrow and gonna "have a blast wit her girlz" (direct quote). I took money out of Christmas savings for SD to go...

Moving forward, SD14 (15 tomorrow), who hasn't spoken to us since April, is nearly 6 months pregnant! WTF. Her mother called to inform us of this 2 weeks ago. I called CPS back in April over SD's boyfriend living with her and her mom. NOW that she's pregnant, CPS has taken action and the two can't be allowed around each other. If SD is caught near him, BM will lose all of her children. NOW they want to do something...NOW! I called them to try to prevent something like this...what a joke. She's still not speaking to us. I'm just at a loss with the whole situation. I feel like I'm losing what small amount of sanity I had.

Sometimes I just want to walk away and never look back.


OhGolly's picture

"Due to her taking her back the last time we were in the dilemma he's gonna pay this bitch while the kid lives with us AGAIN!!!!!!!!"

My previous blogs explain it a little more. This isn't the first time SD's lived with us. Last time when he filed for modification she took SD back, and since she was still technically the custodial parent, he couldn't stop her. So he's just going to pay her to prevent the same from happening again.