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O/T dh is a horrible communicator!

onstrike's picture

I am so frustrated with Dh. He agrees to do something and then "forgets" and schedules something else to do instead. He tries to say that we talked about it,but I swear, I am so thorough and have a great memory. Dh is full of crap. Horrible communicator. What would you do in my shoes? What would help? I have thought of writing every single thing down that he agrees to do on the calendar. That way he can't pull this b.s.!


moeilijk's picture

Ok, I'm going to assume you're married to my DH. He will ask me what we're doing on the weekend, 5 times because the other 4 times have slipped his mind. When I tell him (finally) to check his calendar, he's got the appointment there too... he says, yeah, but I know you just know.

This is somehow the same man who *forgot* to mention that our neighbour died. I was saying something about I wonder where the neighbours are moving too, since their place is for sale. He say, Oh, she died. I said... what?? When? We should send a card, she was very nice. He says, A few months ago. I told you about it. Ummmmm Nope, he didn't mention it. Because I *DO* remember everything.

So the things he forgets like about the neighbour - I'm just SOL. I do ask specific questions about his day more often... but usually I get the work-report. But that's ok, it's more important to him than the neighbours!

The little things he forgets and then double-books himself or drives me nuts asking about? I *always* send him an invitation for anything I expect him to do/be present for. If he double-books, I tell him - I think you already have something planned. I guess you have to cancel whatever invitation you accepted last. (Sometimes I will help him out, but only if convenient... I hate it when plans change at the last minute, and for me, the last minute is less than 3-4 days!)

And his driving me nuts - sometimes I get a little irritated and ask him - sheesh, what's going on that you can't remember anything for more than 2 minutes? Are you stressed? Over-tired? Because this is really annoying - it's like, you can't take care of yourself when you get like this!