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Paradise Lost's Blog


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Over the Holidays my SO added his son's BM back onto Facebook. His reasoning is that she is always taking pictures and never sending them along to him, this way he could have access to the pics she posts.

I didn't think it would be this hard!

Paradise Lost's picture

I guess no one who comes here has it easy. That's certainly the case for me. Being a step-parent/girlfriend is new territory for me, though I've worked with children my whole life, and I am a stepchild myself. My bf is so wonderful and I absolutely adore him and thankfully I am 100% secure in the knowledge that he feels the same way too. Everything generally is awesome. We rarely argue and when we do voices are never raised in anger and we always work it out. But no doubt the biggest stressor in our home (our - I moved in about 6 months ago)is his 6 year old boy.