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Seriously, Nobody Warned Me

pineappleeffect's picture

I seriously thought that time would allow things to progress, rather simmer down, when dealing with a difficult ex-wife. The background checks, telling their daughter the baby in my belly wasn't real, or even telling my SO that he needed to tell her how far I was dialated because he needed to be with his daughter until it was for sure time was all a bit hurtful. I held my hurt in perspective that it was my SO's responsibility to protect our relationship from her controlling behavior. After a few years, we managed to all coparent in bliss. His daughter was my best pal, and we did everything together. I didn't mean for us to evolve into our family role so easily, but with both of her parents working so much, I was the available and consistant caretaker in her life. 

It all changed the day we posted that we were engaged. She would do things like wait until the hour before an event to tell him was going on, and then scold him for not caring about his "first" child. My SO and his daughter went to a daddy daughter dance and I dressed her how his daughter wanted me to. She picked the dress, make up, and hair. I took pictures of her and her dad before seeing them off to their date. He came back upset that his ex wife had been texting him the whole time asking for pictures and he didn't respond because he was trying to enjoy his moment with his daughter. Once his daughter settled in, he asked her to send the pictures that were taken on her phone to her mom. So when he confronted his ex for telling him about an event one hour before, she said at least he was being notified unlike how he ignored her request to send pictures. She got pictures, the good ones as I did my best angling attempts and everything. But. They didn't come from him, in that moment that they were experiencing. 

Therafter, it's been one issue after another. Everything from logging into her phone at night, setting the phone to auto answer after 1 sec and then calling whenever to listen in without us being alerted to a ring, remotely, down to asking her questions like, "was that you texting me earlier? Is anyone in the room with you? Why don't you have a pillow case (because the kids love to unmake the beds as soon as theyre made), Do you want me to come get you (a day worth of driving away)?" It was annoying, but I just tried to hope she was only being a worried mom, and not someone who is guilty of alienating behavior thus assuming we were doing her that way with her child(which I'm finding to be the case now, along with the lawyers).

She filed to change custody and support as soon as we moved inspite of his many attempts to make changes to the parenting plan prior, and mom is insisting that I not drive the child. To the point that when the judge ordered her to bring their daughter down for our wedding because she refused to work with us, we felt it necessary to find someone other than us meet her along the way. However, it is not always possible for my husband to make the times for pick ups or drop offs. Neither is mom since majority of the time we meet grandma because mom has to work. I'm not too thrilled to have to meet mom half way only to drive my now step daughter home with me until dad arrives. Her mother has been coaching her and I've had to put my gaurd up when she calls my husband to say she doesn't like me and wishes things would go back to the way things were before I came around. Mind you she was very little and has never had an issue, but even if the little girl came to feel this way without mom's influence, its still hard. 

With the possibility that mom might lose her cool on me because "she thinks im trying to run the show," I feel anxious. I feel like if I had been on a power trip this whole time, then maybe I could fix all of this. My existance is infuriating to this woman and I am mentally warn down from the anxiety of what else will she say or do to us legally or to this little girl? My husband has been my rock, and continues to show his daughter respect and love the best he can regardless of how she acts towards him, me, us, or even her little sister. Nobody warned me that things like getting pregnant, engaged, and/or married will trigger women like this. Especially after 8 YEARS of being divorced. 

Clearly I will never volunteer myself to communicate with mom or transport, but when I do have to for my husband, she gives me the kind of vibes that I should show up in riot gear for protection. I figure if I showed up in a world war II costume she would be too distracted to shoot me. If it makes her laugh or feel like she's not the only crazy one, then I would feel accomplished. If she does try to shoot me because a lot of people are telling her no for once and all at once, well then I will have my vest and helmet at least.


shamds's picture

Hubby was at a dance, ex knew this and he sent pics after dance was over (completely a reasonable time frame), biomum is batshit angry because he didn't drop everything for her.

thats the game she plays, the more everyone entertains this, the more she amps up. She gives 1 hr notice to daddy about school dance and says well at least i gave you notice. Hypocritically if you go into labour and she is notified a month or several months/weeks before of likely due date and you notify her 1/2-1 day before that you are in hospital, you can be damn sure she'll lose it at how inconvenient and rude you all are and inconsiderate of her and what a bad daddy hubby is.

the moment you all stop responding to this, end the dropping everything for her and make it damn clear firm responses of "we were at the dance you gave 1 hrs notice to me of to plan and prep for our daughter so if it didn't go to plan, you could paint us as the baddies, you knew we were at the dance and likely busy so NO, I WILL NOT RESPOND SOONER. Any further communication from oyou of this sort will be ignored as they serve no other benefit than to create drama and arguments" and act on them. 

when she starts getting the silent treatment she will test you all, ignore, enjoy life, it will die down. Play her game better than she is playing it. These hc bio mums are all operating the same game. They're not very bright so play their game better. End her control, end her power over you.

i had 2 kids with my husband, when we were on the way to hospital, hubby told his son who was 17.5 & 19 when i delivered both kids, that we were on the way to hospital. Nothing he had was as urgent as what we were dealing with now. If ss tried to guilt hubby and make it like his stuff was urgent, hubby wouldn't tolerate it. His focus was on me and our kid(s).

pineappleeffect's picture

You are so right. I responded below on accident. Clearly, I'm new on here. Thank you for your reassurance. 

pineappleeffect's picture

My husband has come a LONG way in regard to not tolerating the bull shit. I on the other hand, grew up with a narcissistic mother. She rotated physical abuse, mental abuse, and verbal abuse on a consistant basis. Being the scape goat, I've found my power comes from not responding to people like my mom, and much of what my husband's ex is like. The "let me pretend like you don't phase me" is harder to do because this woman has done some crazy things that are similar to my mother's patterns. To me, and apparently only me, it signals that she is seriously struggling with something on a mental disorder level. When everyone says, shes being a shit just ignore her, I feel terrible. BUT. You are so right about what it really is, and regardless of why it is. The many joyful things we've experienced as a family has triggered her overtime, but my husband's ability to get far away and see what hes been dealing with and allowed for so long is the ultimate "told ya so." Don't get me wrong, sometimes I want to be an absolute shit towards this woman, but the hairs stand up on my neck when her daughter calls and says certain things. So my stepdaughter's wellbeing is enough motivation to not pour salt in this woman's wounds. For instance, she kept bringing up that I have a speeding ticket online. It was dismissed and not on my record. She pressed it and pressed it. Even the judge said, "I do not care lord help us all if one ticket made us terrible drivers." But upon further investigation, her lawyer has been consealing her tickets and driving with no insurance/automobile accident which resulted in an ongoing lawsuit for $50,000 + against her. There were kids in the victim's car duing the accident too. But because she's a cop, she only got a warning ticket and was able to have her name filed under a slightly mispelled version so that her hiring department wouldn't find out, nor would any of us. It's sickening that she can spy, threaten to call the police on us if my husband doesn't respond within 10 minutes, and can literally get away with legit crimes yet thinks I'm scum for a speeding ticket. I could be a twat, and let everyone have the sheer example of her entitlement but it won't relate to much in the custody case. If anything, she'll wind up losing her job and my husband will be stuck paying for it. In our earlier dating years, she would text my husband that he needed to help pay her back for the wedding rings she had to buy (because the ones she wanted, he couldn't afford as he had just baught a house and didn't have the credit). He said show him the receipts of whats left or the credit cards and he'll help. She never would, yet she would bring up her damn wedding rings on a weekly basis. I thought I was being an insecure girlfriend because that just seemed way left field for what I had experienced. But looking back, she was probably desparate for him to help her pay this lady hush money so she could become an officer. 

So, no the world doesn't revolve around the ex-wife and it won't too much longer if I can pull it together. This is just me finally allowing myself to be pissed and feel sorry for myself because this entire time, I've been blaming myself for either feeling like this woman is psychotic or for feeling like she might be right about me because of how far she goes to paint me out to be a villian to her child. I've been a mother to my own, a fulltime student, a full time nurse, this entire time. Trying to be a mom to my step daughter wasn't on my radar. It didnt have to be, we rocked a solid "whatevership" before, like my step daughter said, things changed from how they were "before." I didn't have the energy to try and be my step daughters mother, but knowing what I do know now, I wish I would have put more effort into trying to be. Helped build her up so that a move and major changes like this wouldn't have left HER so vulnerable to her mother's influence. Any one who's seen a child change through the process of alienation, knows its about the darkest thing to experience. Then again, maybe its bad but not as bad as I'm projecting my own similar experience. At least if that's the case, I'm only stressing myself out and not my step daughter.


shamds's picture

When he married and during the divorce went to see my husband, threatened to stab and shoot him to death if he didn't pay up more money to this lazy arse leech of a woman. 

they all lived off my husbands income and hard work. Hubby didn't believe exwife was entitled to anything of his wealth when she did everything possible to destroy his life and career, had been a stay at home housewife the past 14 plus yrs yet did no household chores.

She went shopp Everyday and maxed out their credit cards. Even after separation when in divorce court, she maxed their joint credit cards

funnily enough about 2-3 months after divorce finalised, hubby got promoted, salary went up about 7 times as he was in upper management now. Cheating hoe is stuck being married to a poor cop living in police quarters. Still plays the victim, hubby doesn't give a crap and made this clear to his daughter that she could be broke and on the streets, he wouldn't give a crap as his priority and allegiance/concern is towards me and our 2 kids

shamds's picture

Bothered caring for 3 minors so judge gave hubby sole custody of ss and sd's went to exwife.

several yrs later sd's ended contact and disappeared, eldest sd was 19-20 and hubby tried looking for her at university. Pretty soon after exwife and sd's disappeared, exwife made some bullshit imaginary illness that she felt she was gonna die from some imaginary illness no dr has been able to detect on any scans.

For maximum effect, she uses anwalking cane and basically had eldest sd take younger sd who was about 10 at the time to live with her. Sd was living in a housesharing place and their hatred and resentment of my husband was so much that they refused to just contact my husband to take her and in actuality exwife and eldest sd were violating court order and child custody laws in malaysia which state hubby automatically should have had custody of youngest sd.


weird thing is eldest sd was supposedly the most bullied by exwife but she is her lynchman basically doing  whatever she orders, her conflicting stories change all the bloody time and paint batshit crazy bio mum as a victim


Rags's picture

I am sorry you, DH and all of the kids have had to live this crap.

Take care of you.

Winterglow's picture

you are giving this woman too much space in your head. It doesn't matter why she is such a witch, she just is. Ignore her. She doesn't need to contact you, so block her if you haven't already. Your DH needs to turn his phone off when he has his daughter on visitation. There is no reason for her mother to call him when it's on his time. I'm not very phone-savvy but is it possible to have all of her texts sent to a directory as soon as they arrive should she start bothering him during his time? That way he can either ignore them completely or read them at his leisure. 

I suggest you google "grey rock technique". 

pineappleeffect's picture

She's emailed me, but I told my husband I'm not responding. He doesn't allow her texts or calls to come through on his phone when she's with us since if theres an emergency, he can just call her but any emergency she might have wouldn't pertain to his daughter since shes with us. Idk how I feel about that, but that's dad and I see him respond to emails in decent manner, not right away, but not to the point where she's inconvenienced. Googling "grey rock technique" now, thank ya!


Winterglow's picture

He is absolutely right. Emergencies only concern his child. He is not responsible for his ex-wife's problems. 

CastleJJ's picture

Does your DH have a CO currently in place? If he does, he needs to follow it to a tee. If the CO grants BM x days of visitation and DH y days of visitation, you follow it, not a day more or less. If a super fun event happens that BM or DH wants SD to be involved in on the other person's time, too bad. If the CO grants either parent x number of phone calls per week, each parent only gets x number of calls; any additional calls will be ignored. It is unfortunate that you have to be that strict but if you give BM an inch, she will take a mile. 

Your DH needs to limit communication with BM. He needs to make an email account for BM communication only then he needs to tell BM that he will only communicate via email and provide her with the email address. If she continues to text, he either needs to ignore her or respond that he will only communicate via email. If BM inundates his email with tons of messages, he only responds to the relevant ones and he keeps it BIFF - you can Google it. He is to only communicate about the child. If BM emails about SD and then goes on a tangent about how horrible DH is or how much she hates you, he only acknowledges the part about SD, ignoring the rest. All responses shouldn't be more than two to three sentences in length. If BM set SD's phone to "auto-answer" then the phone is turned off and given to DH for the duration of the visit - SD can call BM via house phone or DH's phone. 

Your DH also cannot continue dropping everything for SD. If BM provides little to no notice, DH doesn't go. If BM then blows up his phone because he didn't go, he ignores it. BM can portray the deadbeat Dad mantra all day long, but if she is high conflict, she is going to do it anyway whether he shows up or not. BM needs to learn that DH won't come running when she snaps her fingers. 

You should not be doing transportation, period. If DH cannot do the transportation, then SD doesn't come or the times need to be changed to a time that DH can do it. By sending third parties, he is opening those people (you included) up to possible allegations. BM could claim that you beat her up during an exchange and it would be her word against yours. If DH is doing transport, then he needs to record every pick up and drop off to protect himself from allegations (research state laws to determine if one party recording is legal in your state). 

Finally, if SD continues down this path of parental alienation, she is also a threat to you. She could accuse you of God knows what, putting you and your kids at risk. If SD accuses you of abuse and BM runs with it, you could face a CPS investigation and possibly lose your own kids. I would take caution around SD and if she continues, ask DH to see her away from the home. You can't prevent PAS and there is nothing you could have done previously to have "improved" the relationship. If BM wants to PAS, she will do it. If you try to counteract it 9 times, BM will push back 10 times. At the end of the day, SD will either PAS or she won't, but that will be on SD and her loyalty ties to BM. 

This situation only gets easier with strong boundaries. It doesn't make you guys bad coparents because BM was never able to coparent from the start. You guys are just doing the best you can to protect yourselves and your kids. Once BM realizes that she can't break down the boundaries, she will slow down and all of this drama will be reduced.

I speak from experience - it has taken 7 years for our drama to die down, but we are finally at a decent place where BM only ramps up a few times per year. It used to be every single day, multiple times per day. Hugs to you! 

pineappleeffect's picture

Thank you. Moving several states away makes it easier to actually enforce boundaries. I've added these tips to my "mama sheet." I think it took my husband a minute, but he got over the fact that she will drag his name through the mud. He shifted his focus to our family, with his daughter included in that term however possible. I'm just going to have to learn that I don't have anything to prove. 

pineappleeffect's picture

The current CO doesn't reflect dad's relocation just yet and the entire thing is so vague on anything. The only thing that provided detail was the visitation schedule, but even then they weren't following it. I told my husband a long time ago it would bite him in the ass...well it sucks to say I told you so, so i don't, but I can tell he's upset over it. She took spring break, made summer visitation hard as hell with her bs, and then took thanksgiving because we had it last year. The gaurdian ad litem said well shes crazy so this not following the order has got to stop. From now on follow the schedule as is and don't stray.


Except that means she gets Christmas because Thanksgiving was technically his, but he didn't say anything to not seem unreasonable. I already know, what would anyone expect differently from that situation? But I think he's learned quality lessons from all of this.

CastleJJ's picture

He needs to fight BM. He won't come off as unreasonable to expect his time. If he continues to let BM steamroll him, the courts won't see the steamrolling as an issue because he allowed it. 

He needs to follow the CO to a tee and he needs that CO to be iron clad. He will screw himself over if he doesn't. My DH used to let BM steamroll him because a) he was recovering from being abused by her for years during their relationship and b) he was afraid to permanently lose SS due to BM. BM abused him regardless of what he did. If he gave BM what she wanted, she abused him and if he didn't, she still abused him. Once DH put boundaries in place, maintained them, and started following the CO, BM didn't have a leg to stand on to continue her crap. 

BM is never going to like either of you. She will continue to spew her venom about how horrible you both are, to anyone who will listen. That won't change even if you did everything BM wants. This is what happens with delusional and high conflict people. You will never win so it's better to just survive. 

Rags's picture

They get no support or consideration.  The more toxic they get, the more they are confronted.  

The key is to keep a rolled up copy of the CO handy and beat the snot out of them, figuratively of course,  with it in court each and every time they get obtuse.  

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Zero tolerance is the tool for keeping toxic dipshits under the slime covered rock at the bottom of their shallow and polluted gene pool where they belong.

IMHO and contrary to common emotional belief, kids need to see a toxic parent put in their place.  This is far healthier for them than eternally watching that toxic parent be toxic while the other parent shows no spine, courage, or balls in keeping their boot on the throat of the toxic parent. Again... figuratively.




Shieldmaiden's picture

You are not the parent. You don't have any responsibility to drive this kid around, pick them up, buy them anything, or do anything other than be civil while they are in your company. Tell your husband to stand up to his wife, or this will only get worse. Its time for you to disengage from all parenting activity and let DH do his part. I think you will find this is a HUGE relief. 

pineappleeffect's picture

At this point, the lawyers are expecting me to pick my step daughter up so that the christmas holiday stays the same OR dad can lose time. He physically cannot be there to make it happen and is upset that she will be losing time with her little sister. Our daughter runs around asking to call her sissy and it does stink to put it in that perspective. Moving forward, y'all are right. I don't want to be responsible for this or be subjected to allegations. 

He's been standing up to her, but we live so far away. So instead of backing down or just working with him, she runs to her lawyer and files the same motion over again. Just amends it. 

CastleJJ's picture

Why can he not physically be there to pick up his child? Is it because of work? Is it because he cannot drive? Is he on military deployment that will not allow him to be there? 

His lawyers are making a dangerous situation by expecting you to do the transportation and in my opinion, it is bullshit. They are considering your DH's needs but they aren't concerned about you. If BM is as unstable as you say, she could physically harm you or make allegations against you based on what occurs during an exchange. If DH's lawyers can't make this work so DH can be the exchange person, then they are failing him big time. It is unreasonable to expect a 3rd party (YOU) to deal with his ex. And IMO, if DH can't be the exchange person, then SD doesn't come - too bad. Maybe DH will make his visitation more of a priority. You can't care more than the parents and you can't be expected to do this. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

The lawyers are wrong. What would DH do if he wasn't married? He needs to do that. Given this situation, you shouldn't be doing any transporting or anything else extra, for that matter. Why can't he pick up his daughter himself?

CLove's picture

Write it out here. Are you in therapy for dealing with your childhood dealing with your toxic mother? I would suggest that, as what you mentioned you were triggered, and are having anxiety.

BM is very disordered. And is triggering you. Taking the emotion out of it will allow you to think clearly and strategise.

Parental alienation is starting to be recognized. When it happens its miserable. After they grow up and age out, they either try to use the alienated parent, punish them, or are estranged.

I wish there were a simple solution. Therapy and educating yourselves. Its really like doing battle.

pineappleeffect's picture

I've done therapy before and it was helpful. It's on my todo list to find someone local and to do more than just talk or write. I've been looking into EMDR or revisiting CBT. This is my first time ever experiencing anxiety and its certainly not something I want to hold onto forever. I do see why people don't go get help sooner. 

Thank you.