playdead's Blog
the antics
So after the last dramatic installment, SO future husband and I made up, he apologized, I apologized and we decided to let it go in the name of love. I need to improve my directness about things, be impeccable with my word,etc... after we had calmed down I realized I probably did lie and really felt justified for awhile until I realized I was just being a coward. When emotions are running high its hard to think straight. Maturity and forgiveness can get you a long way.
Let's be adults, amiright?
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Christmas is for happy people
Not what I expected for our first Christmas together as a couple
Christmas Eve dinner was at my parents house, had a lovely dinner, opened presents and visited with my aunt, neighbor and cousin who were also present. SO was feeling low, since this is supposed to be his Christmas to have SD(7). So low that he barely spoke, had sad face all night and cried at the end of the evening.
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She thinks she cute
My dear SO has struggled with BM for the last 5 years folks. He hasn't brought anyone else around SD until me. I met her for the first time in October, BM flew with her because she will not allow SO to hire an airline escort, SO pays for flight and hotel for BM while SD visits. OBviously this is ridiculous and expensive, BM knows this and greedily chooses the most expensive airline and must stay at a nice hotel. Otherwise she will not come. Threatens not to come multiple times leading up to the visit.
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Is this a thing?
My heart rate...yeesh!
So, BM has told SO that he will be paying child support until SD7 is 25! She is utterly convinced that it is possible and it will happen. Help pay for College, I get it, but that would be until age 22 max, right? Jeez this woman is making me nuts.
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Down the rabbit hole.
There are so many stories of malicious mothers on this site and I thought maybe if I shared whats going on in my life it might ease the stress of it all. I met my fiancee about a year ago, we live together and he's wonderful. He has been amazing with my kids, which he always calls his. He built a basketball court for my son on the side of the house, repaired the concrete and painted the court, put up a very nice brand new basket, and does drills and games with him whenever he wants. He cares about them, is very nurturing and protective and I can't imagine our lives without him.
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