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public1234's Blog

Cell Phone

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So my fiancé’s son is 12. His grandmother has him on her phone plan (BM’s mother). When he first got his phone around Sept 2012 he was calling every day. Well BM didn’t like him talking to me, and oddly enough my phone calls go to voice mail now. (I know this because I could hear her reaction when he told her when asked who he was talking to.) I’m pretty sure she blocked me, because he says he doesn’t get my texts either. For whatever reason he got his phone taken away shortly after getting it in 2012.

Order to stop counseling visits!? WHAT?!

public1234's picture

So T-Minus count down 10 day's till the kids fly in to spend spring break with us.

The BM is now trying to file something with the courts where we live, "supposedly" signed by their counselor in her state. Stating that the "children finally opened up, and they feel interrogated by visiting counselors while with their father"

Return Tickets

public1234's picture

So today my fiancé’s ex sent their kids “return home from visitation” plane tickets to us. We are flying them in later this month for spring break, and she bought her return half today. This is after she made a big deal both at Christmas and when we bought Spring Break itineraries ) about the airport selection saying there were closer one’s to her, and the time. She was complaining of lateness of the flights which were both around 8pm (Christmas and Spring break), and even commented on price that we could of found cheaper ones on blah blah websites.

It's my EX this time! Lord Help Me!

public1234's picture

I normally have issues with my fiancé’s ex, but yesterday it was my ex husband that reared his ugly head. He calls about every 2-3 weeks and speaks with our daughter, he lives out of state, and over Christmas 2012 he saw our daughter for 3 day's for the first time in 1 1\2years. My daughter says he was mean, and his house was dirty. She has hardly spoken of those 3 day's even after I've tried to talk to her about little things like how his dog was or if it was cold there.

Am I talking to BM or the Kids I can't tell?

public1234's picture

My fiancé and I had some time off we took a cruise in February, and one stops was at Disney World in Florida for the day.

When we returned my Fiancé was talking to his kids over the phone, and as usual BM had us on speaker so she can listen to ALL conversations between us and the kids. She always talks for the kids, answers for the kids, or contradicts what the kids say, for example. The kids are telling us about a school project, and she’s in the back ground “oh honey, that’s not what happened it happened like this.”

She Lies About Dental Visits Too!

public1234's picture

So last June 2012 when all this drama took off with BM, again, and the kids. The 7 year old girl had 3 cavities to be filled. If you read my first blog you will catch up on what happene regarding to why BM has the kids now.

Fast forward to Dec 1 2012, BM emails her ex, my fiancé, and tells him their daughter had a great check up at the dentist, no cavities. Well, we know she left us in June at the beginning of this mess with 3 cavities.

First Impression of HER!

public1234's picture

MY first encounter with her.....

I met my Finace's exwife through a court hearing, big surprise!

I had been dating my boyfriend at the time for 9 mths, and just moved in with him, and his kids about 1 mth prior.

I had never even seen a picture of her. All I knew was she was tall and red headed. I was expecting a Victoria Secret Model in my head. You know when you build someone up, like a DJ on the radio by their voice, and then you see them and your astonished how they really look. I had heard her voice on speaker phone when called her children before.


public1234's picture

We just received our discovery from BM’s attorney’s for our jury trial custody case. I already knew she was ridiculous but really this is ridiculous! BM is asking for everything it seems.

This woman was fired, and charges were pressed, 3 years ago from her banking job for accessing our bank records. (She obtained a job at a bank that we did our banking with. Then she accessed our records, then harassed us by using the knowledge for expample of where we had ate, when she dropped off the kids taunting us!)

2nd Jury Trial for Custody

public1234's picture

Some history

My fiancé and I have been together for 3 years. He has had custody of his 2 children since his divorce in 2009. His ex wife had originally asked for a Jury Trial for their divorce\custody. He won.
Since then EVERY major holiday\visitation she has filed CPS complaints and been continuous problems, which always come out unfounded. During one exchange she told him to “DIE”, and another she tried to pull him out of his moving truck. (all have police reports, and gone to court)
