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is it harder in the beginning or later...

QUINJAI3's picture

hi to all, for those that have read my previous blogs you'll know that my sd and i have grown together...
i was talking to a friend recently who has just become a step mother of a 3 year old boy and a 6 year old girl and she was telling me of the differences between just dating her new hubby to now being in the family house. she said her and the little one get on like a house on fire and yet the 6 year old wont even look at her let alone listen to her or follow any instructions given by her.
this got me thinking of when i first became a stepmum i had already been around my sd since she was 8-9 months old but didn't actually marry her dad until she was 3yrs old. in the beginning i would have moved heaven and earth for her but now she has grown it has all changed. so i am wondering is it harder in the beginning with step children when your all learning to get along or is it harder later on, also does it make a difference with the ages of the skids and then of course is it harder with step daughters or stepsons.
lets not mention how much easier it would be without the biological parents hassles.


SoFrustrated's picture


evilsm's picture

In the beginning I too was the fun friend, we would go to the movies together, shopping etc. That all came to an end when BM left the picture for a while and I was forced (because DH wouldn't) to become a parent to this child. Not only was this not appreciated by SD but even DH was difficult, I just don't get it. You don't want to parent your child because you feel guilty about her situation or whatever, ask your wife to help and then not support her when she tries to help YOUR child. So my answer is that its more difficult now. Sorry for the rant. }-:


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.