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Rational1's Blog

She May be the Mother but I will always be MOM

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She May be the Mother but I will always be MOM

Im I in a unique situation? Im not sure. BioMother has gone long periods of times with no contact and when she does, police, cps somehow always get involved. I do know my sds bio mother is exactly that her mother. However Iam in her mom.

I found this online and thought some of you might relate:

Mother or MOM

There was a time when Mother & Mom
meant the same person. In our ‘modern’ society,
this is not always true.

Sole Custody Ideas

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Any Specifics which should be added into a Sole Custody Plans? Any ideas? My Dh will have sole custody. Mother has been gone for about 7 months and contacted our attorney stating my husband can have sole custody, but she wants four weeks in the summer and to alternate spring and winter breaks.

Does anyone have any specifics that would be a good idea to add in?

Thank you for your time