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RedNeck's Blog

dh can't stop feeling responsible

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ss decided to finally come for his week with us. I am sure he came only because bitch bm needs her bi-weekly vacation. He came in with a rotten attitude. And he won't talk to us. I had to beg my children not to mention the cruise. I hid all evidence. Even the gift we got him. So now I can't even try and have good memories of the trip.

dh is making us treat him like a time bomb. Saying crap like honey and baby when talking to him. Not like it is having an effect on ss.

Unbelievable BM and vacation horror

RedNeck's picture

Hello steptalkers. After some time, I have gained some courage in posting on here. And also, I have an actual reason to vent now.

I have one ss, who is 13 years old. I also have two dd, who are 6 and 3 years old. dh and I have been married for 7 years. So it has been a long painful process.

Let me just say that dh's ex-wife is a grade A bitch. She has made our lives extremely difficult and has always tried to alienate ss from dh. And recently, she has become even more evil in her ways and is winning.