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Regretful1's Blog

Really contemplating divorce...

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It has only been 5 months, but I think I may have made a big mistake marrying H. I find myself daydreaming about being single (not for dating purposes!! Just to be free and not controlled!!) H told me the other night that there is no 'me' just 'us'...and that he is the head of the household...which means he makes all decisions (without my input) and I have to 'trust' him that he is taking me into consideration. (I work a professional job, mind you.) This didn't go over well with all.

Really contemplating divorce...

Regretful1's picture

It has only been 5 months, but I think I may have made a big mistake marrying H. I find myself daydreaming about being single (not for dating purposes!! Just to be free and not controlled!!) H told me the other night that there is no 'me' just 'us'...and that he is the head of the household...which means he makes all decisions (without my input) and I have to 'trust' him that he is taking me into consideration. (I work a professional job, mind you.) This didn't go over well with all.

DH trying to seperate me from my friends??

Regretful1's picture

DH and I have been married only for 5 months...we dated a year b4 that. He has 2 kids and I have 2 kids, we have 50/50 of both...just giving background. I have a best friend whom I have known for 8 years and many friends from where I used to work for last 8 years (we were like a family at my old job, which I left the week after I got married, coincidentally, left for more $$)...these people are my main group of friends and support aside from my family.

I just told my H I hate him and hung up on him!

Regretful1's picture

Ouch! I was SO frustrated with him and I feel like all my love has been beaten out of me and all I have left is anger and resentment. He is out of town, has been for 2 days...won't be back for another 4...he was boarding a plane...we were arguing...he said sarcastically 'I'm going to let you go now, '...just dripping with anger...and it just slipped out! I said, "I hate you!" and hung up the phone. I don't know what to do. He is on the plane now...and I won't see him for days...and he has an AWFUL temper as it is!!! He will probably never forgive me. He may even want a divorce.

Is there a Disillusionment Phase for Re-marriages?

Regretful1's picture

...because I think I am in it! Personal history: My ex and I were best friends and were married for 12 years. He was very 'in touch with his feelings'...a sensitive guy (almost like a woman, really). We had no real 'problems' other than we were more like brother and sister than husband and fact we ONLY had sex in order to have our 2 children.

Reality has smacked me in the face

Regretful1's picture

I have been married for 4 months now...I have 2 sons, 5 and 8yrs, of whom I have 50/50 custody. I also have SS8 and SD11 who come over EOW (also 50/50, but different schedule than my kids). I had NO idea how difficult it would be to be a step-parent! I have an especially difficult time with SD11. DH treats her differently than the boys (he treats his son and mine the same, for the most part).