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rjdeandg's Blog

o/t gal

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I remember reading a little while ago a stalker was having issues with a gal and was fighting it or something along those lines. My cousin who is like a sister to me just had her custody of her two bios taken away till their trial in august. They never actually met with a judge it was both if their lawyers and a arbitrator or something g like that, and the gal.

shes scared of me

rjdeandg's picture

This weekend was our eowe and like most I dread them a little. While sd wasn't extremely bad or anything its just the rude stares, eye rolling and such you'd expect from a teen than I get from her, while I do tell SO if he's here and let him deal with it, she still thinks its ok. So Sunday night I was dealing with putting my bios to bed and he was having a "talk" with sd6 to see how things are for her at bms, they've been having some behavioral issues like lying and not listening.

my first vent

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I haven't even posted my part 2 if my first blog, I'm just annoyed today, probably because I don't feel well. I have a bd5 bd4 bd1 and 28 weeks pregnant with bs. I have a sd6. I got discharged from the hospital yesterday I had a really bad kidney infection. And am just worn out and exhausted. Heres part of my issue, I think bm should have kept sd last night, I would have if it was my kids. Not taken advantage of the fact that obviously neither of us was working yesterday and sent her over here 2 hours after I got out if the hospital. But whatever. That I need to discuss with so tonight.

My story part 1

rjdeandg's picture

I have been a long time lurker, well a couple months and created a account a few weeks ago. I was kinda waiting around to see if I recognized BM on here since she is a SM too and I know her SD drives her crazy, but Ive seen nothing so here goes... I have a bd5 and bd4 from a previous relationship and a bd1 and preggo with bs with my current SO. I will start by saying that my situation with BM is not as extreme as some i have read here, she is annoying and likes to have pity parties for her self.
