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RogueRanger's Blog

Dear SS8, Here are all of the things that SHOULDNT happen during your visits

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Dear SS8,

Just wanted to let you know that, in your adult life, people will not accept grocery lists of items that you feel they are required to acquire prior to your coming to their home every other weekend. Perhaps if you had some kind of allergy or were on a special diet, they just might. But lists comprised of chocolate milk, hot chocolate, marshmallows, corn dogs, hot dogs, 3 different kinds of snack cakes and a rider of 2 Mickey D's sausage biscuits and 3 hashbrowns for at least 1 breakfast will most likely be ignored.

How to handle school functions etc. with psycho BMs

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I’m already dreading the Christmas play for SS7’s grade. Not because I’m in any way scared or intimidated by BM, but because I don’t want to deal with her at all... ever. I didn’t go to the play last year simply to avoid the drama. But at this point BM has had years to get over the fact that her ex-husband has moved on and to realize that she needs to as well. FDH’s nephew is in the same grade at the same school and all of FDH’s family members and I (and our new baby) will be going as a family.

More inappropriate BM behavior- she changed FDH's info on file at SS's school.

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More weirdly inappropriate behavior from BM. BM volunteers at SS7's school(one of her excuses for not getting a job that actually contributes an income toward raising her son and for why she must continue living off of child support). So the info FDH put on file to SS's school is his name and the address at OUR home. We go to FDH's mother's house and there is mail from SS's school. The envelope was addressed as follows: FDH's name, then the name of FDH's company (FDH has never provided his company name as any kind of identifying info to SS's school, I mean who would), MIL's address.

BM is causing SS7’s Jekyll and Hyde-esque behavior towards me, and yet I’m the bad guy.

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I am new to this site, but love the unity and reassurance that no, I am not some evil witch with a hook nose and warts on my chin. So, here’s my situation: FDH (being new, I’m guessing this means future darling husband?) and I have been together for 3 years. Because of textbook definition psycho BM, I did not meet (soon to be) SS until just over one year ago. Currently, FDH and I are engaged and we are expecting our first child, a boy, in October.