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Rosedeer1's picture

My SS BM fought in court for 3 years to win custodys of her son, it was every 3 days my SS would go back and forth from BM to DH and DH had to pay 150 a week in CS even thought it was split custody, split placement, well BM moved 6 times in 2 years and moved SS daycare 9 times in 2 years and on the 9th move DH took her back to court for placement because he was sick of seeing his 4 year old son at the time moving from home to home and daycare to daycare. Well BM told the judge she is never going to move and that is why she should have custody because she lives in the district where SS attended Headstart, which BM did all on her own with out DH knowing, she signed him up and and DH about it later, they went to court for that because in Headstart they have to go 5 days a week and be potty trainned well BM lied and said he was, but he had 10 accidents in the first 3 weeks of school, but Headstart never did a thing about his accidents because they loved him there and felt bad for him having to move again, he was a late potty trained kid. I wondering if moving all over and emotional shit he took from BM had anything to do with that?? DUH!! Anyway, once headstart said SS could stay and will not be asked to leave DH jumped right in and attended all meetings and school events, he just did not want his son changed to a 10th daycare, when SS was with us he went to his aunt's house. SO to bring you up to date, not even 6 months after DH won placement BM is moving an hour away from where we live now and her son's school. She is going to work about 40 minutes away from the school but her apartment which is a one BR is an hour from where we live and 20min. from her work. What I can not understand is how she can move away from her son, who she fought so hard for, she is moving to a town an hour away from her son and 50 minutes away from her family, she is taking a job that pays a dollar less an hour and has less hours in her work week, so what is she thinking?? She went into support court crying saying she can not pay CS and live, she has to pay 150 every 2 weeks and sees her son 5 days out of the month, we had to pay 150 every week and it was split placement, she said she sold her furniature and is filing for bankrupse(sp?) even the judge told her that her bills were not bad enough to ruin her credit over, but she said she is saving money for a lawyer to file. She is moving into an apartment that cost 400 a month to save money because all is included, but what about the cost of gas it is 2.79 where we live and she is going to be driving a lot more now because she has to do all the transportation of her son because she is the one moving. I just do not understand why she did not move in with a family member for help, or an apartment in our town which is just as cheap as where she is moving? Does she not realize that moving an hour away will put more distance between her and her son? She hates me and does not want me to be "mommy" but she is forcing that on me by moving I am the one who is there for him, I tuck him in at night I make his bed, I cook for him and bathe him and love him and hug him am I not the Mom here??? I could respect her decision to move more if she were moving with family due to money issues, like her buying 3 cars in 2 years and now that my DH does not pay her 600 a month she can not afford to live, well get over yourself, in my eyes she is single, how much can a child cost that lives with you 5 days out of the month?? She goes out to an event that her and her son like to do and she claims she goes with her son because he likes it, well then she should save money and only go when she has him or HELLO get a second job, working 35 hours a week she has plenty of time for another job to be able to do fun stuff with her son, so stop blaming others and get yourself together, she is 30 not 20 and should be able to at least support herself!! Thanks for listening, I appreciate comments.


WowjustWow's picture

BM did nearly the same thing to us in January. Emailed DH and told him she was moving 2 hours away because she had a job lined up, and she was going to save up money, and that she was divorcing her husband (of 4 months) and blah blah blah.

Well none of it was true. She lived who knows where during the weekdays, and stayed in hotels on the weekends with SD's. She never had a job, and is now back living with the husband - an hour away from us. She hasn't tried yet, but there was talk from OSD that the schedule was going to go back to BM having them on school days. DH said "Over my dead body are you switching schools" and no mention of it has been brought up again.

I was all torn up about this, which is how I ended up at ST, but in the end all BM did was make her life worse. I would let her do it. She will go away eventually. If you give them enough rope, they will hang themselves.

My advice is to just let it go. If she wants to make it harder on herself, go for it! The only person she is hurting is herself. You guys are already primary care taker, so SS's schedule won't be interrupted too much.

Sia's picture

She took the lesser paying job likely in hopes that it would reduce her CS! She sounds too unstable for SS! Poor kid.

Rosedeer1's picture

She was just here and I get all pissed off and I am not sure why, she will not get out of the car she just sits her fat ass in her car waiting for us to notice she pulled in, why can she not get out and knock on the door? No we send SS out to get in her car by himself, not a big deal he is 5 but still upsetting, I just can not get over how much I hate her, or do I hate her at all I am not sure??

WowjustWow's picture

having her stay in the car. BM isn't allowed to get our of her car at our house. If she knocked on my door I would greet her with a shotgun, and tell her to get the f*ck away from my house. The nice sheriff that has come to visit us several times told me that if she (or anyone else)comes in my house uninvited, I can legally shoot them. Nice isn't it?

DoingItAgain's picture

I wish my ex would move an hour away... but he is very involved with my son (although he's the disneyland dad). My ex never picks up BS8 from my house (he picks him up from day care or school) but does drop him off and insists on walking him up to the door and waiting until he's inside. I have to wait for him to say goodbye to his dad before he comes in. My ex is rude and generally doesn't say two words to me and certainly doesn't say even 'hi' to my new H. I really want to tell him to stay in his car and stay off my (used to be his) property. There is no reason to walk our son to the door and then be disrepectful like that. If he doesn't have anything to say, don't come to the door.


Rosedeer1's picture

I know I would probably hate it if she got out of the car too, I just hate the situation and her and everything she has done to my family, yes I did say my family, I raise that boy I am with him 25 days out of the week I am the one he asks for I am the one he asks to do things with and talks to me about anything, so I guess it is best she stay in the car, because in my eyes she can do nothing right, too little too fuckin late!!

Snarky's picture

Psycho was told if she EVER walked onto our property, we would call the police! That woman is so evil, she would call here all hours, call and if I answered hang up, tailgate me, yell profanities etc. Once we had to get a restraining order against her. That was the most wonderful year, not hearing from that evil wench.

I wish she would move an hour away, shoot I wish she'd move a half an hour away. Oh, and get a job to support her three kids from my DH and her poor little baby from another man who won't go near her anymore.