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BM makes me laugh.

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Sorry, I'm such a blog spammer today. I'm just bored and have no one to talk to maybe LOL.

Soooo BM came and got SS2 at 1:30pm as planned, and she was sober and being rather 'pleasant'. I had just got them out the door when she called back to me, asking if she could borrow our stroller. (She was taking SS2 to the splash pad which is a 10min walk). We haven't put SS2 in a stroller in ages (he'll be 3 in September) so of course he threw a fit about having to be in one. But anyway, on to the funny part... So she needed our stroller which was in the sunroom behind BF's bike. So we're moving the bike to free it and she asks, "Is that SS9's bike?" and I'm like, "No, it's BF's." She starts laughing, "Oh right, the OTHER child you're taking care of right now." I LOL'D. Kind of felt bad, but it's soooo true. Yep, she definitely knows the guy...

Haha, I don't know why her bitterness towards him made me feel better, but it did. Anyway, now I have the next 3 hours to myself, I wonder what I should doooooo... probably, RELAX.