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sanity23's Blog

child supporrt?!

sanity23's picture

I really don't know where to start on this one. We kept hearing his ex complain about money so we told her to go to csr we got the papers sent them back verdict; she makes 40,000/ year he makes 23,000 and still has to pay 400 a month for cs plus he pays for another kid which is 300 a month so that leaves me with supporting him while he supports them. Did I mention we have a two yr old at home who is the one losing out. Neither his ex or their daughter go without anything! She asked for a iPad for bday a kid that asks for stuff like that is not a kid that goes without its a spoiled brat!


sanity23's picture

So my bf got upset because im online talking to "strangers" about our problems and says they are not credible. Okay i would talk to the ah but I get the whole "im a perfect parent, im perfect at everything, and you are crazy" really!!? Personally if he thinks he is so damn perfect hes crazy. Where else am I to go? These are real people on here with real problems with stepparenting, etc.

At it again

sanity23's picture

I am so upset; i know its fathers day and all, but seriously. This 12 year old sucks her thumb and is afraid of the dark, thunderstorms, her own shadow, etc. and her father plays into it and allows her to act like a baby. There might be a thunderstorm tonight so he is going to sleep with her WITH HER. Did I mention she is 12?! I find it to be poor parenting to let such antics to go on.

Cant Stand his ex

sanity23's picture

I have been with my bf for three and a half years his ex is controlling, vindictive, manipulative, and I really cant stand her. He has lied to me in the past about talking to her behind my back; and what really pisses me off is that he talks to her about our relationship! What is it any of her business, really. They have a daughter together; who by the way is spoiled beyond spoiled and plays like she does not know anything so her daddy will do it for her, i don't buy her shinanigans. Thats probably why we dont really get along.