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sassymom's Blog


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Can anyone tell me what to except and if they are help in a custody battle. Our lawyer said we should get one so now I'm looking for info. thanks for any help you can give me.


sassymom's picture

Recently I was at parent conferences with our children when I realized it doesn't matter how long or what I do for my stepkids I will always be viewed as a mean stepmom. I had to confront a teacher looking at me as the bad guy when I'm the one who raises my ss not his bm who has never even darken his schools hallways or could even care that he is struggling. Yes I was upset with him b/c he's not trying to improve at school, but I was there trying to support and learn more ways to help him out so he won't fail. anyways I'm just tried of always being the bad person b/c of my title!!

BM accusations

sassymom's picture

New to the site but not really new to the stepmom thing been one for about 6yrs. Never felt like I had anyone who understood what I go through as a stepmom and birthmom with my own ex's and DH's exs, then I found this site been reading for days feel as though I know you all. Anyways what made me start looking for help was a new custody battle with one BD and one SS. Plus husband and my BD13 having a hard time getting a long. DH court case will be ugly. BM claims to be sick w/ cancer but only to SS not to us. So we don't know if she's sick or what.