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I can acutally picture myself strapping on the boxing gloves

SisterNeko's picture

...every time something comes up that involves us dealing with BM or correcting something that I know BM has thought the skids is 'OK' or acceptable.

Yes I know I am the 'hard ass' in this family and I take my 'role' very seriously. I must have a killer left hook or something because usually I can say so much with so few words.

The fight I am preparing FDH for this week is physical and speech therapy for SS4 over the summer. Last summer BM waited until the summer was almost over to bring up that SS4 could even got to therapy and then conveniently gave FDH the wrong number - twice! This year following SS4 check up FDH called THEM (the doctors) and asked them what was available and got the number from THEM. He called them this week - because of joint legal custody He need BM's approval to sign him up - but it's easier to de-bunk BM's lies as she spews them rather than to scramble to proven her wrong later. So he got all the information and they are willing to enroll him just on our weeks if BM doesn't want to take him on her weeks. It's cover by their insurance, we just need a referral which the doc's have already said they would send. We think it would be great for him and the doctors all agree with us so basically we are setting BM up, if she says no she will look like a bad mom because everyone knows that we want his for him and are working to make it happen this year. (of course what I want doesn't matter but FDH wants it too) - is that evil?

My own personal fight this week have been with SS6 and his lack of honestly! It started the other day when him and I went rounds over him playing other peoples games on the Wii (no biggie I know but...) FDH and I both have saved games on there and SS6 likes to play as us because we are further along/have more lives. But what got me was when SS6 told me this long story abut how HE created a game for SS4 and was just trying to help him... I just smiled and said that I created the game for SS4 a few days ago - yes it's minor but it's a stupid thing to lie about. He got quiet and I just told him as I walked away to stop making up stories, no one likes a liar.

Then last night SS6 - who has learned to tell time - had to read for 20 minutes (the school gave us a sheet to mark what days he reads for 20 mins on and if he gets so many days he gets a coupon for free pizza). I pointed to the clock and told him not to stop reading until the clock said 7:26. At 7:24 he walked out of him bedroom and I asked him what he was doing? He said it was close enough. I told him that I was not marking his sheet unless he got back in there and read for 2 more minutes. He was like why you can just say it was enough time, I told him no that was cheating and then he told me I could color half a thing again I said no. Finally he went in and read for 2 more minutes. Yes I am a hard ass Smile not going to let him think it's okay to lie like apparently BM does. I also wrote in his school calender that we didn't get a read sheet but SS6 didn't read over spring break because we forgot. Not going to let BM fill it out and lie to get free pizza.

How do you guys deal with little lies? Let'em slide or point them out? From BM's or sKids.


FeuilleMorte's picture

Sounds like you dealt with that pretty well -- yes, he had to go read for two more minutes (oh, the horror!) but you didn't call him evil -- I think lying at that age is pretty normal, but it's also the perfect time to let them know that it's not ok.

Cheryl Lyn's picture

We all have different ways to overcome such feeling. If I were to ask, I would confront the person whom I got mad with, talk to what happen, listen to his/her side and accept faults if any. At the time you talk, tell everything and don't ever lie to solve the issue, disregard your emotion of anger and learn to listen for you to forgive and to the other person as well. There's no need to go for your boxing gloves instead you watch together chavez vs martinez. Pretty sure you'll enjoy this fight and you'll be good friends or even better. Who knows right? Acceptance, listen, don't lie and be yourself. That's all I can say.