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New to the site, lost in step parenting

SJ's picture

This is my first time reaching out to a forum but it was recommeded to me as a way of getting support and help. I am 26, my boyfriend is 24. He has two daughters ages 3 and 5. Their mother is unfit do to drug use and negelect. She only shows up for about two hours a month if that, and its to give the kids toys, candy and tell them how much mommy loves them. Then she dissapears into the drug haze for however long need be. She and I do not get along, nor do I wish to as my earlier attempts sparked violence and verbal threats/abuse. She has stolen from me personally, damaged my property while in my house, and has stolen from the children. For 5 years she has tried to drive a wedge in between my boyfriend and I. At times it has worked. She doesn't have a job, has not looked for a job, because she self states she doesnt have to work when losers like you (meaning me) will pay taxes which in turn pay her. My boyfriend lost his job in August and has been struggling to find one, working whatever he can whereever he can. I work 12 hour days. We struggle, and yet she doesnt care. She couldn't care less if we have money for heat or electricity, and does not offer to help. My boyfriend and I never get any time alone as we can not leave the girls with just anyone. They can be terrible. It breaks my heart to say that, I love them to death, but they really are. All they do is fight with each other, hurt each other, injure me, and the animals. They talk back, the 3 year old injures herself, they hurt the animals, break things (have destroyed several things of mine that I held dear and thought I had hidden), and are constantly back talking me and getting attitudes with simple requests. The 3 year old will even defy me by urinating in the middle of the kitchen floor when she is fully potty trained. The 5 year old "accidently" kicked me in the face, give me a black eye. They won't do simple chores that are age appropriate either.
Their father does what he can, but this behavior only really occurs when he is not there. And it is not all the time either. Mostly only after they see their mother or speak with her if and when she calls.

I do not want this to sound like i am being whiny. I love these girls with all of my heart and would and will do anything for them. I just am at the end of my rope.

I have a strong feeling that the 5 year old has more then one learning dissability (and yes the mother was an active drug user when she was pregnant with both). I want to get her tested but so far I have met resistance with my boyfriend and her mother. The 3 year old I know has emotional disorders. And some of them are heavy hitters. This is only by my own diagnosis but I have also discussed the behaviors with teh psychologists I work with and they agree. Unfortunately again, when I mention this I am told she is only 3.

Am I the only one with these issues? I often feel like I am. When I tried to discuss the problems with family or friends I am either brushed off or told to just break up with him and move out. It has been going on for months.


DeeDeeTX's picture

When you try to discuss the issue with family or friends, the reason you are getting the brush off or told to move out is because the situation, quite frankly, sucks. There aren't any easy answers, but a ton of really hard rows to hoe.

You need to go to court to prevent BM from seeing these girls as much as possible (why is this strung out druggie being allowed a say in how they are parented?). You need to go after her for CS (she might not pay it, but you might be able to get her tax return.). You need to get the girls evaluated for mental and physical problems. You need to present a united from with your SO, and he needs to discipline them for the stuff they do to you.

You need to have your SO's 100 percent backing to do all this stuff, which it sounds like you don't have. And on top of that, your SO is out of work and You're working like a dog.

If I was your family, I would tell you to leave too. This is just an enormous mountain of crap you'll probably be dealing with the rest of your life if you stay. Just MHO.

ypealov's picture

A revolver has limited rounds but the smaller the pistol the less rounds it carries especially the larger the caliber. A revolver typically has 5-6 rounds. A semi-automatic carries anywhere from 7-15 rounds.

SJ's picture

You are right about the 3 year old, but it wasn't cheating. He and I had gotten into an argument because he allowed BM to move in with him for a temporary time due to her homelessness and her telling the kids daddy is evil because he makes mommy sleep in the cold. We broke up for about 2 months. And hey look I was right, she got pregnant. He claimed he was drunk but I don't see that as an excuse since thats how the 5 year old was conceived as well.

DeeDeeTX's picture

So he broke up with you, and then went running to the closest available hole?


I'm just wondering what you think is so wrong with you that you don't deserve better.

skylarksms's picture

What would you tell your best friend if SHE came to you with the exact same situation? That is probably the best advice any of us could give to you.

bestwife's picture

Okay so you "broke up with him" because she was living with him. While she was living with him she got pregnant. Guess what they were fucking the whole time.

You must be nuts to put up with crap like this from someone who just brings trash into your life.

sillychick21's picture

Ugh, Sj, You are one carring women because there is no way in hell I would be with someone that already has a child with trash then, break it off for a bit then get the same beeeotch pregnant and now you got 2 babies.....You must really love this man and his are in a bad spot but anything can be overcome...Get these girls in therapy get a restrainig order on this skank and make that man of your step up...he should be working as hard as you if not harder...