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Rude Teacher

SJ's picture

Ok so SD5 is in kindergarten. Her teacher must have something against Sm's because this woman disregards me in the most obvious way. We had a parent teacher conference and she was trying to use famous psychologists theories to back up her arguments about child learning and development and she was sooooo completely wrong. She even tried to tell me that until the age of 10 all children develop the same way, ummm no they dont.

I only took this for a little while then I started correcting her. She was like Im sorry your just her step mother and usually I wouldnt let you in the meeting anyway" my SO said, "um she is more of a mother then BM so she has more right to be here"

Then while I started correcting her she told me that she was the one with the license to teach so she knows what she is talking about, I was like um well I have a degree IN psychology and you are wrong. Yeah her TA said I was completley right.

All I can say is OMG I cant wait for her to start the charter school!


skylarksms's picture


Makes you wonder how many "kids" this counselor/teacher had been around in their lives??

Delilah's picture

I suggest anyone who has to endure rudeness, ignorance and unprofessionalism from a teacher/counsellor that they put a formal written complaint in to the school and follow that school's complaint procedure.

I havent got time to deal with people who have attitude problems/chips on their shoulder for any reason, but just because you are "only" a stepmother :jawdrop: :jawdrop: Unprofessional and completely inappropriate and I would have no compunction in informing that person just that. Patronising cow.

It may be difficult to remain neutral if you are being told different things from each parent and child BUT thats part of your job, to remain professionally detached in order to do your job. That doesnt mean you dont care, it just means you do your job better because you refuse to be sucked into taking sides and looking like a prize dick!

bi's picture

i would be going straight to the superintendant about that. that's bullshit. she does not get to decide who comes and who is excluded from conferences. what a dumb bitch. no way would i just let this go.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Request a meeting with the principal of the school. If you don't get satisfaction, complain to the school board superintendent. Don't take that kind of crap lying down. Sets a bad precedence.

SJ's picture

I am going to be calling the request to speak with the principal and the parent teacher liason (lol yes they have one)

This isn't the first innappropriate thing this teacher has done. She has also purchased a new pair of shoes for SD5 (her current ones where like 1/4 an inch to big, new crayons, a new bookbag (because her zipper broke, and vairous other school supplies, plus she sent one of SO's excuse notes home corrected in red pen (is isnt the best with grammer and spelling).

This meeting last night was just this tip of the ice berg. I am ready to pitch a fit!

3littlemonkeys's picture

Was it not rude to be correcting the teacher??

I've learned that some teachers are good, some are not, some are ok with SMs and some most definitely not. Sounds like she is one of the "nots."

aggravated1's picture

I would certainly correct someone who I thought was incorrect, especially if they were teaching my child.

I don't get how it is rude to correct a teacher as a fellow adult. They aren't God.

jadedprincess's picture

I haven't had a parent teacher conference as a SM yet but I have had them for my younger sister 16. I was the one who took her on her first day of every year enrolled her every year gone to every event that she has done. If my mom goes to the school they call me to make sure she is her mom, if something happens I am the one they call. The faculty doesen't even know what her dad looks like. My signature means more to the school than her parents.