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mothers day ring?????

skye22's picture

well once again I'm at a stand still with my mil. I love her to death but she just doesn't understand. For Mother's Day my hubby offered to buy me a new mothers day ring with the new babies birthstone. I have one now with just my sons stone. Our daughter is due in june and I had told him a while back that I needed to get one for her too. He said just to get one with both stones. I was so excited. I began looking online and chose a beautiful ring. I showed her a picture of the ring I chose and she said that I should add my ss birthstone to it also. I hadn't even considered it. But I really don't want to. I guess I'm needing some thoughts on the subject.


Anne 8102's picture

Actually, mine has seven stones... me and DH, plus our two children and my three skids. It's very plain and small with the stones set in a narrow band. I love it! But I also have a charm bracelet that has charms for just my two children. I think it's a highly personal item. It's a mother's ring and you are the mother who will be wearing it, so I think you should include whomever you want to include on it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks about it. If anyone asks, you can always say, "Well, I thought very seriously about adding SS's birthstone, but I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes."

~ Anne ~

We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.

sweetthing's picture

for me. Our baby is due in July. He picked out a beautiful ring that was so me & is going to put our son's stone in the center & my ss's on either side. Our son's with be slightly larger than my ss's.

I agree with Anne, as always she has a great view point on the subject. It is your ring & you need to have it just the way you want it.

Mocha2001's picture

I agree with Anne (as usual) it's up to you what you want in the ring. If you want to keep it personal for your bio-kids then do it. Tell MIL to shove it! Just kidding, but you know what I mean.


~ Katrina

Little Jo's picture

I am way to superstitious. (Did I spell that right). I could never buy a stone without the baby being here. What happens if she comes early or late. My Best friend was Due Feb. 23rd. She had the baby Jan. 30th. The baby was at the baby shower!

Secondly, adding the skid/s. That is tough. It should depend on how well you and the child gets along.

Ya, feeling well Skye?


"Why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain." Jessica - Soap

happy mom's picture

your choice, ultimately. i know how you feel when you say you don't want to. i too feel that way when it comes to ss. i never felt like he was really my ss, he doesn't treat me like a stepmom, ignores me most of the time that is. at times i just want for me,my husband and our daughter to spend time together. it just feels more normal to me. i feel like an outsider when ss is around. i too would not add my ss to my ring.

-happy mom

skye22's picture

You see the thing is my not wanting to add ss to my ring really has nothing to do with my relationship with him..... I adore the kid. I've been watching him grow since he was just a baby. We get along very well, I honestly couldn't ask for more. I really honestly just feel like a doting aunt.....

Mocha2001's picture

That's a good analogy for our positions as SMs ... "a doting aunt."

~ Katrina