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Smokey_Bear's Blog

So BM2 dropped her fight for custody

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DH had a trial date for January (2015), but the second case conference last week was to go over the reports of interviews with DH, BM2 and SS14.

BM2 shocked everyone by saying she wouldn't fight over DH's desire for SS10's custody.

They are moving to another province and were trying to go as a unit, but now she's taking her oldest, and leaving DH and her son with us. (SS14 isn't DH's bio but legally is his).

Reading 'Stepmonster'

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I was kind of surprised when I was reading the constant reminders that the wife should come first, that kids need to know she comes first. I'm sure I'm not hte only one who initially thought this shocking.

But it makes sense. The whole 'the kids revolve around the marriage, not hte marriage revolving around the kids.'

My question is, has anyone started off with the 'no, I totally understand, the kids come first!' mentality, and then switched? How were the darling spouses on that, how do you approach this, to change it if need be?

Most of the time, SS16 is pretty reasonable...

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But last night, my lord. He has a habit of going for naps during the day. When my Darling Boyfriend goes to wake him up for supper, it's usually a holler up the stairs. We get a grunt or something in return, and Darling Boyfriend leaves it at that, until an hour has gone by and he tries again. A couple of times I go up to wake him, and I stand in the door until he's at least sitting up, asking a few questions that might get him to think. Therefore, wake up more.

Seems I need to vent more when SS10 is with us

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I said I'd go over the family, and I haven't yet. My bad.

My significant other had a relationship in his late teens/early twenties in which he got her pregnant. They got married, had a daughter, and divorced later on. So that creates BM1 (biological mom, right?) and SD16.

That situation in and of itself is complicated. BM1 is, or should be, clinically insane. I realize I've gained a majority of this info from Him, and therefore might be biased, but things I've heard from SD17 since dating Him back everything up.

This blog may be my savior

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I don't have as much time to spend on this right now as I would like, but I just found this site, and I think it will help me a lot.

Quick breakdown of the family, as it were.

Me: 27 year old woman -- no biological children of my own
Him: 37 year old male
We are not married, nor engaged, but we know that is where we are going. It has been discussed.