How do you handle being the "real" parent to SKids?
The last few months have been the hardest of the 2+ years I've been with SO. I try to hold on to my faith and church, and with this being my possibly second marriage, I'm holding on more just because it's what my faith says to do. Yes, we aren't married yet, and there's a reason I'm not ready to marry yes I do have an "out."
So here's what I need to vent about:
Within the first year of our dating, I quit my job as a teacher to stay home and help raise SS5 at the time (not school age then) and SS6 who was having a very hard time transitioning to school. He was diagnosed this year with ADD/HD and hasn't been tested yet for bipolar which his mom has. Towards the end of last school year, SS6 could no longer handle being in kindergarten, and the time he spent there was mostly just day care because he wasn't learning anything. His teacher actually went to our school which made it a little awkward at times. I stepped up and said, this school year (that just ended) I'll homeschool SS6 (7 now), and younger one will be in regular school by then. That meant ME being home 24/7 with a child who has emotional, behavior and learning disabilities. I may be a teacher, but I didn't know what I was getting in to.
By Jan/Feb 2011 I pretty much gave up on educating him. It was hard on my ego being a teacher and being trained to adapt to any child. I was the one who suggested therapy for SS7, I suggested ADD testing. I am the one who does the doctor appointments, school visits, and all the other SAHM stuff. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I was the one who suggsted SS6 get his tonsils out, because he has sleep apnea and sore throats. I was the one who scheduled the surgery and took him. I am the one who signed the kids up for summer activities, church camp, and VBS.
I feel I'm coming to my end here, and I love my SO but I can't keep going on like this. I say to myself, just 6 more weeks and both kids will be back in regular school (I applied for SS7 to get in to a charter school with smaller class sizes...again ME!). But I keep telling myself that, just hold on a few more weeks/months.
SO has had a ton of stress and drama at work in the last 6 months or so. He works sometimes 10 hours a day which leaves me in charge of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and baths some nights. It has created tension between me and SO and me and SS7. Yes I've brought this up to SO. He escapes the stress by playing computer games sometimes from 8 pm until 2 am!!! No time for cuddling Today he yelled at me because of all things, I opened the blinds just like he does every morning?! So...I laid in bed all morning and caught up on my shows
took a nap, and did some laundry. I left him in charge of HIS kids. Instead of engaging with them, he played his computer all day. I don't think he understands that he is spending no time with HIS kids.
Don't even ask about BM! She hasn't seen her kids since last Halloween! She has supervised visits only 48 hours a month and lives a half days drive away.
Any suggestions, tips, similar stories? I don't want to give up, but I don't feel wanted in this family. I don't feel like I fit in with them.
- srangel112's blog
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You don't fit in. I find it
You don't fit in. I find it difficult you're still there in the midst of the chaos.
It will always be difficult and unhappy with these kids. The problems and kids won't go away and....guess what...they'll get worse. You've got some severe challenges ahead that will make you throw up your hands and wonder why you ever stayed in this deadend relationship. Why reach that point?
Your SO prefers the computer to you? He'd rather sit in front of a computer playing a game instead of being an adult engaging with you and his sons?
You obviously are capable of making a living. Instead of staying home dealing with his and kid issues, why don't you nanny for a rich family where you will travel and see the world. Choose a family that you'll have help with the kids and be treated decently...and even meet someone wonderful.
WHy are you settling for such nothing but problems and unhappiness when you can have such great opportunities?
yeah it does not sound like
yeah it does not sound like this guy wants a partner..He wants a nanny and you need an equal partner... If he was trying I would say this could have happened if this was your own child... Be grateful it isnt because it sounds like his dad would not help you either way...
I, too, used to be ss13's
I, too, used to be ss13's real parent. He lived with us from ages 1-9. Only difference is I had a full time job as well. My dh worked out of town regularly-going many months only seeing his son every other weekend, just like bm, while I had ss the rest of the time. Dh also spent a year in Iraq when ss was 5-6 and I kept ss while bm did eowe visits. I took him to the doctor, went to all pt conferences, took him back and forth to sports, and did most of the his share of transport for his visits with bm. I got him to a psychiatrist, I picked up his meds each month-all of it. SS's behavior grew worse and worse over the years, in large part I believe due to neither of his parents parenting but just wanting to "visit" with him (have fun, no discipline, etc). As his behavior grew worse both bm and dh blamed me. SS blamed me. I started slowly backing away. He is 13 now and I have as little to do with him as possible. I've had several 6-9 month spans in which I did not see him at all due to dh's military service. Dh is now home permanently and we get ss eowe. Although usually that is shortened to more like 24 hours due to transport arrangements and ss's overall bad behavior. I put boundaries in place with dh and while he does not always like them he understands that his son is HIS responsbility. If he does not wish to parent him, then so be it. I raise hell, if ss breaks some sort of household rule, and I let both ss and dh know it-but I am done trying to parent him or even have a relationship with him.
If I were you-I'd just go back to work-let your dh figure out childcare arrangments and such as well as appts and caring for his child