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DH's try so hard... but just don't seem to get it...

SRS177's picture

My DH e-mails me yesterday to let me know that he has to pick up SD11 even though we only have her EOW and Wednesday nights. He had to take her to school this morning because he says EW is going to Arkansas and picking up her mom to take her somewhere for mother's day. I always complain about how they are so buddy-buddy and know everything about each other's lives since they talk 3 times a day. So, he makes a point to add in (know I don't know where, don't care, didn't ask). And, I'm thinking okay, I realize he is trying to appease me there, but he doesn't get it, something like that... I don't care, because it is in casual conversation affecting SD11.

It would go something like: Can you pick up SD11 tonight and keep her until Saturday because I want to take my mother to "blank" as a mother's day gift, but obviously I can't take SD11, but I'll pick her up Saturday so I can spend mother's day with her.

See that is fine, it is when he comes home talking about how EW said gas prices were getting so high that her friend who had this hummer had to go sell it and get a prius to afford to get to work every morning. Then this friend... blah, blah, blah.. see much different thing.

Does anyone else seem to have the DHs taht obviously attempt, but just soooo miss the mark?


Endora's picture

When DH's X was talking to him-he felt the need to tell me about their whole conversations-(which I don't care about!)-I told DH point blank one time-that I do not give a rat's patootie about their small talk conversations, what BM's personal aches and pains are or her current status in life-had to be point blank a few times before he got it.

Another thing that bothered me was her intrusion on our private time-

There we were, sitting in our living room watching TV, the phone would ring-

BM: " Hi Endora, is DH there?"

I used to think it was something important-BUT SHE WAS JUST CALLING TO CHAT DURING OUR SHOWS!!!!

Put an end to that too-

BM has just recently started talking to DH again after a two year hiatus....sigh

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Most Evil's picture

Why do they have to talk 3 times a day?

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin