StepMadre's Blog
BM Got Evicted
I don't know any of the details, and in true BM-style, she let us know on the night that she had to be out of her apartment/shack. I do know other friends that have rented from the old couple that owns her ex-shack and all I have heard is that they are really sweet, understanding and compassionate, so I know it would take a lot for them to evict someone. They rent through word of mouth and BM got the apartment because someone we both know felt sorry for her and arranged it.
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OT: Book Topic-For BPD etc...
I am re-reading a book I had to read for a psych class a long time ago and it's so good and so fitting to my situation and a lot of the situations I read about on here that I thought I would mention it. It's called "I Hate You - Don't Leave Me!" It explains the history of Borderline Personality Disorder, how and why they think people get it, how to treat it and how to deal with having someone in your life (good or bad) that has it. It's really interesting because it tries to take you into the mindset of someone with this disorder and it makes it a lot easier to understand.
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Age appropriate behavior?
I have my own opinion about this, but I was wondering what you all think about the acceptable range of behaviors in relation to age?
(warning: this post will have gross stuff in it, so prepare for TMI)
1) I think that a six year old child should be able to go to the bathroom by himself and that six is too old to not be able to wipe yourself after a no. 2!! Any thoughts on this? Am I expecting too much out of a six year old?
2) At what age is a kid supposed to be able to know the alphabet and write their own name? Approximately?
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Drama! Nooooooooooooo....
Oh man. I will be so happy when my littlest skid turns 18 and we can put all this drama behind us!
Both H and I have been trying to have as little contact with BM as possible and keeping things as low-drama as we can, but my little SS12 inadvertently created a huge problem yesterday!
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Custody Update
So we gave BM the initial papers our lawyer wrote up for us and she was calm and agreeable until she saw that since we would be 50/50, she would get very little CS, if any at all. She then threw a hissy fit over the phone (to H) and hung up on him when he was in mid sentence! She couldn't have made it more obvious that it's not her kids she cares about, but the money.
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Great Lawyer visit. Whoooo!
So we talked to our lawyer today, who is a total badass and she was wonderful and very helpful and supportive. She is even more optimistic than we are about the success of our suit and I trust her because she has been my family's lawyer for a long time and doesn't give false hope. If anything she tends to lean towards pessimism, but she thinks we will have no problem getting exactly what we want.
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Custody 50/50?
Any halfsies out there? We are suing for 50/50 custody with no child support and would love and appreciate advice for those who have experience with this (and working out custody issues with batpoo crazy BPDer's). Legally, H and BM share joint legal and physical custody and BM has residential custody, although we have them overnight some too. I know that setting up precedents really helps and I am happy we thought of that a year ago!
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Update, with a side order of venting (LONG!)
So, Murphy's Law being what it is, as soon as ST went offline for updates, I had a little week+ of drama with BM and I'm so happy to have ST back so I can vent properly!
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Summer Camp/ BM agreed to something!
I have been lobbying to get my SS11 to go to the Summer camp I went to as a kid and I did all the research and we qualify for a 50% scholarship, so that means out of the 400.00 it costs for one week, we will only have to pay 100 and Bm 100. She's in the doghouse with H at the moment so I think she would probably agree if H wanted to shave their head and make them wear dresses, lol! Well, so H talked to her today about the summer plans for the skids and after they hammered that out, H brought up the camp and she agreed! Yay!
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Funny Day
The skids actually made me laugh 'til my stomach hurt today. First of all, we were out shopping for socks, underwear, shoes, pajamas, t-shirts etc.. and having a great time. I hate shopping for myself, but I love shopping for other people, especially my husband, nephew and the skids. So anyway, I have gained thirty pounds this year, which was my goal because I was at 95 around Christmas and starting to have heart problems.
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