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Stepmom09's Blog

WOW someone is out of their mind

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This week BM wrote DH the email with all of these things I have done to her lately. DH asked me about it (he completely believes and trust me so that is good news) and some of it could have been mistakes on others part with entering information we double check everything. In the end, absolutely everything she said I "did" I never did and never even took place. Now DH is trying to decide if he should write her back and call her on all of it or if he should just not respond. She has some need for attention and to engage with DH (who for years has been trying to disengaged).


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Lately things have been crazy again but I have come to the realization that it is not as crazy as BM makes thing seem. There has been one incident in the last year that would be classified as crazy. Everything seems to happen right as summer ends every year. Come to think about every big thing has always happened right at this time of year. The only people truly hurt by the crazy is her child and there is nothing I can do to stop that.

Rules for becoming a step-parent

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As I sit here reading other situation I think there are some rules people that are first dating someone with kids should follow.

1. DO NOT MOVE INTO THE PARENTS HOUSE. This seems like a no brainier. If your SO has a house that the kids have lived in for years before you come along they will not respect your space in the office. Start somewhere fresh or they move into your house. And for the love of God do not move in to the house your SO shared with there ex. Really why would that even sound like a good idea.

After reading some other Blogs

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Someday's I get down about being a stepmom and dealing with all the craziness from BM. However, today I read a few other blogs on here and I found out I am so blessed to have my DH. He is on my side about things usually. He doesn't like BM and only talks to her when he has to with that it is almost always by email. When BM wants something then DH discusses it with me and we usually have the same opinion. I am just very happy that he is my partner. If SS is disrespectful DH will say "that is my wife and you will treat her with respect in our home"
