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Stepmom_Lori's Blog

Anyone with experience with NY State child support increases?

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I’m looking for advice from anyone with experience with CS in NY State or any of the other pro-BM states like NY.
The backstory is that in May of 2013 my DH lost his job. It was a re-org and due to the years of service with the company he received severance pay until September of 2013. After severance stopped he filed for a reduction in CS because he was now only collecting unemployment. His support was reduced by $275 a month and I picked up my SD on my company’s benefits.

The best advice I ever received on this site

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I’ve been a member here for a few years, but I don’t blog or even comment too much anymore, but I do check this site every day. I feel a kinship to other steps that are in a situation like I was just a few years ago and I like to read and occasionally comment out of support. I’ve finally gotten a handle on all the issues that led me to this site years ago.